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Is it Possible to Quit a PhD and to Start a New PhD?

I think it is possible - to get a PhD somewhere else, but there could be problems, and it may look bad on your CV - what will you show on your CV, what did you do these months? how you will explain why you left? There are probably Professors, who do not care and will take you, but there many of them who will be distracted. It seems you do not know exactly what PhD/ topic you want to do. At a new place there could be different problems.

Should you leave your fully funded PhD to a self-funded one because you dislike the place

I feel exactly as you do - it is as if I wrote it myself:) but I'm in a final stage of my PhD. At the beginning I hoped that it will change, that I will meet more people and like the place more, but it did not work. and all the international people whom I know here always complain how they are miserable. I do not regret that I did not quit and move to a new place, because now I have a result - PhD degree. I dont know how would be my life if I move - may be I would be happier, may be not.
What I can advice - keep looking for another funded PhD program in the country/place where you want to live. I dont know your financial status - if you have enough money to support yourself for a few years doing unfunded PhD. I just know that at some other place you may have different problems - bad prof. or unfriendly colleagues, bad financial support, no money for experiments, conferences - and it may be also miserable. In your place you have good Prof., and financial support - you can probably go to other countries to workshops and conferences, and develop a network - these are ideal conditions for a PhD. May be you can travel sometimes to feel happier. Check all the minuses and pluses, think what you can do to make your life happier and then decide if you can stand another 3 years there.