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PhD advise required

Hi, Leafy! :-)
In your post I recognize myself year ago. And I have some words to say in general.
First of all I'd recommend your to accept this PhD advertisement. May be it's the right way and good chance for you to do the things you really like to. I do believe that you'll manage to make up your income even doing your PhD! As for me I've done it even in my problem country!
You should understand that everything depends on the situation. And no one will tell you any information in advance. You should try it at your own risk and see what'll happen.
May be it's not good to tell you so...but if the situation went out of controll you can quite anyway.

So, I just want to say that you should't miss this opportunity!

P.S. Sorry if I was out of line!

short-term scholarship/courses/training in Norway

Hi to all!
I really need your help now. The point is that I'm 1 st year PhD student in my home Uni (in Russia). But I really feel lack of certain knowledge there. I set myself to attend training programms aboard. But I couldn't manage to find any suitable position by myself. I work in field of bionanotechnology (study interaction between proteins and fullerene C60) now. So I hope you know more than me and can help.
Especially I'm interested in going to Norway because of strong family issues....
Any of your advises will worth its weight in gold for me!!!
Thank you in advance!