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PowerPoint presentation at my interview!

is it not really expensive to do a masters though? i would like to do one but only reason am not is because of the money.....

PowerPoint presentation at my interview!

Thanks for all your suggestions....the interview has been and gone. It went really well, but still didn't get it! Bum. Actually giving up on the PhD idea for this year, going to try and get some lab experience first and maybe try again next year. It will give me chance to decide firmly which area I want to go in, and I think it'll be a good year out before knuckling down properly! What do you think? Any advice on getting technician/assistant jobs?! Do they all insist that you know the techniques already?

My 1st Year Fees Are In My Dog :)

Woof woof!

PowerPoint presentation at my interview!

I have an interview on Friday for a PhD and have to give a 10 minute presentation on my final year project. I'm quite worried as not sure what they're really looking for. Any advice?!

My project involved molecular biology and electrophys and I had great difficulty getting results in 8 weeks (not through lack of trying!) I just feel like my project was a bit rubbish, and it really wasn't my fault. But it's going to look really lame if I stand there just making excuses.....