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I don't know quite how to handle this

No, I didnt mean that i think you come across as a whinger at all!! I sympathise with the anxiety; I remember 2 months ago sitting looking at my mountains of papers, spreadsheets, journals, applecores, coffee cups spread across my study and literally I couldn't breathe with the anxiety...but now I'm done I can see in retrospect once a thesis is broken down into its constituent parts, its really not too big a task! and when you do your PhD, you'll look back at your masters thesis and think how small it seemed in comparison!!

I think if you're going down the academic route you have to realise that not all your work can be excellent; sometimes it just jas to be good enough. so dont be too hard on your self xx

I don't know quite how to handle this

I think this is just a matter of time management...the commitee work isnt necessary, so my advice would be to take a big step back from that. An Msc thesis should really not be as time consuming as you anticipating. If you set aside 1-2 days a week, I am certain you will get it done before March! Of course you dont want to write a crap one...but with 5 months to go before it's due in, you really don't need to be thinking in terms of desperate measures yet!! I have just finished my MSc thesis...I was working as an RA all summer and got the 15,000 words written in 10 days. And it got a good mark. Its not about how long you spend on it, but the quality of thought that goes in to it. So maybe aim to get the thesis written by December, and set a couple of days a week aside to write it. then you have the rest of the week to work on your current MSc and socialising, relaxing etc....no worries!