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That sounds even more encouraging... As you can see, I am completely new in the field (well not yet, we'll see tomorrow).
Thanks a lot for your advice!


Hope you don't have to deal with an advisor of the kind you described...
Anyway, I think I'm going to accept the offer and indulge myself into crystallography. Yes, it will include X-rays. Does that make any difference? I also believe molecular biology will help me understand the underlying mechanisms and might make it even more interesting. I'm meeting the supervisor tomorrow, fingers crossed guys :-)


What is your project? Yes, I have checked it, and actually have taken one course during BSc. It seemen interesting, but not so close to my interests until now. How much do u rate the university when u select a phd? What is more important? The lab or the University?


yeah but what about the subject...


Hi guys. Most of my BSc studies and entirely my MSc focused on molecular biology. I have been proposed a phd position in a very good university from a really nice supervisor, but it is a crystallography subject. Please, crystallography people help me! Is it worth leaving molecular biology? Is it more difficult? Do you "enjoy" crystallography?