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Should I stop applying for PhD?

Hi everyone,

It´s been a year since I finished my master´s (outside the UK) and now am working as a psychologist. Right after finishing my degree I started applying for a PhD on universities in UK. During the last year I applied for nearly 20 PhD positions, but I was always rejected. I developed proposals for two my own PhD projects (on the first one I got offered a place but not the scholarship, so I had to reject it. The second proposal was reject, I wasn´t even invited for an interview.). The rest of the proposals were funded positions for specific projects (which match my research interests), so I had to only create a short proposal for selected topic or write only a covering letter. I start being desperate, because being a researcher was always my dream, however I start to doubt myself, that maybe I am not suitable for PhD (I don´t have any research experience, I didn´t study in UK, maybe my grades are not good enough,...). I tried to apply also for research assistant positions, but also was rejected several times. What am I doing wrong? Do you think I should give it up and focus on something else?

Thank you.
