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How long to wait for PhD interview results?

Thanks so much for all of the advice/experiences guys. After more fretting, I decided to bite the bullet and send a thank you (even though it was nearly a week after the interview) and ask about timescales... and apparently they were interviewing two more people who couldn't make it on the actual day, which happened this past Friday and yesterday. The supervisor was really quick to get back to me and apologise, and told me a decision would hopefully be made quickly. She also said the panel really enjoyed interviewing me, which can't be a bad thing. Fingers crossed!

How long to wait for PhD interview results?

That's really good advice! Ack, I wish I'd emailed on Friday to say thanks... it feels a bit late to do it now. Like I'd just be getting in touch to get an answer about it. I emailed the supervisor's secretary on Monday (she's the director of neuroscience, so a busy lady) to ask if she knew about timescales on when interviewees would find out, but she said she wasnt sure herself but would ask and get back to me.

I think only 4 other people were interviewing for it, and it's a studentship attached to an EPSRC grant so there's no waiting on funding news or anything...

Here's hoping I get some word in the next few days! Waiting is absolute agony! I think 2 months could actually kill me :)

How long to wait for PhD interview results?

Hey guys,

I'm new here, but have lurked for quite some time - I just had a PhD interview this past Friday for a studentship in Newcastle, and was wondering what the situation tends to be for news?

As in, is it like a job where you'll definitely hear back one way or another by phone? Do you get a formal offer in the post? Does it differ absolutely everywhere?

These are questions I clearly should have asked at the end of the interview - hindsight I guess! I just wondered what other people's experiences were of what happened after interviewing for a funded PhD!
