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HELP! with PhD application cover letter

Hi Guys! Thank you so much for the advice, I have now cut 1/4 of the letter down. I think I have most of the points covered now.

HELP! with PhD application cover letter

I am trying to compose a cover letter and i would like some advice and maybe help with the finished version. I have a supervisor in mind, and have written a research proposal to go with the email, but i want to make sure he reads the proposal. My proposal is on chimpanzee conservation in Africa, I mention my education, experience, and my masters dissertation, as well as a brief summary of the proposal, I am lost on the "why i am applying to do this PhD with him bit". ???
Basically i need help to reach the correct tone, is there someone willing to read it? As I would like comments and corrections, plus has anyone got a cover letter that has been successful so that i can see where i might be going wrong??

Thank you