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2nd Master at 30s

Thank you very much for your reply.

In fact, I believe that the job- life decisions at 30s are crucial for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, the working conditions in Greece are such that it is difficult to make long term plans and "invest" in the future potential of companies.

It is a combination of trying to avoid the current recession and strengthening my qualifications (and perhaps my professional contacts).

2nd Master at 30s

Hello!! I am 30 years old and I work for almost 5 years in a meddium sized company active in business consultancy (Africa and Middle East markets) in Greece. I have BSc and MSc degrees in Statistics, Banking and Finance (from Greek and UK universities) and I am recently thinking of enrolling to a master program in order to specialize in African markets.

Given the fact that I work in Greece and there are no such academic courses in the country, I might have to relocate abroad and quit my present job. I wonder whether a 2nd master at 30s will be eventually useful for my future career or an impediment.

Thank you very much for your replies.