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How do you deal with dumb supervisors?

I have a lot of sympathy. The University where I am operates a "dual" supervisor system. In theory, this means that I can access double the support. However, in practice this means that my supervisors frequently contradict me, themselves and each other. I have sent them work previously and agreed to a meeting in the expectation of receiving feedback on my work at the meeting. However when I have been in the meeting it has been quite apparent that they haven't read the work that I sent them. I had a meeting a few months ago when I could have upgraded. However, this didn't occur as my paperwork was not deemed ready. This was despite me previously having written tens of thousands of words. Only 5,000 were required for the upgrade but it has been so difficult trying to get these people to do their jobs because of other "commitments".

Paid Proof-reading - how to do it well.

I recently did some proof reading for a friend that has English as her second language. This wasn't quite on the scale of an entire PhD thesis, but it was her upgrade documentation and ran to about 50 pages or so. My advice would be not to take the money. I was offered cash but I said no because I didn't want to muddy the waters of our friendship and place unneccesary pressure on myself to do a "professional" job. I did it as a friend because I figured that she would be able to repay me in some other way in the future; for example, she might recommend my services to others that I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable in taking money off.

I'm not saying this to show that I'm a "nice guy" or pass moral judgement, I am just saying that personally I would be very careful about agreements like this.