Overview of Oct1980

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PhD/ MPhil

year 1 or 2 student

PhD/ MPhil

Hey guys,

I am a level 2 self funded PhD student and I would like to have your advice or experience on something.. Before x-mas I submitted my first year report and I had an oral viva in order to proceed from MPhil to PhD. It was sucessful and I ''passed'' as was expected. Although, my supervisor is moving to another university& country and he has asked me to follow him and do my PhD there as his is holding a huge grant and I will have a scholarship as well. So I am thinking to move and continue my Phd in the new uni, although if I continue my PhD in the new uni as a level 2 student then I will get nothing from the uni I am now.. So I was thinking if it possible to get an MPhil (I already hold a Bsc and MSc) from the current uni for my level 1 work and go to the new uni as a ''new'' level 1 student and spend all my 3 year scholarship and not just the 2.
Any suggestions?
