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Accepting one PhD offer while interviewing for others

Hi all,

I have a bit of a dilemma, and I'm looking for advice.

I have been offered a PhD by one very good university, but it is my second choice. After speaking to my potential supervisor, it looks like I will have to make a decision in the next week or so. On the other hand, another prestigious institution in the US has offered me the chance to fly out and interview for a PhD there, but after I have to make my decision for the PhD over here.

I feel like I HAVE to go and interview over in the US, it is too good an opportunity to turn down, but at the same time I do not want to lose my place over here, since these are only two PhDs I have applied for.

Question is, can I accept the first PhD and still go over to the US and turn down the PhD if the second is offered (...if that makes any sense). In this position, how would you guys go about it, and what advice can you offer me? I'm just worried that I'll be left with nothing after being in such a good position.

Thanks in advance!