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Hi from a new PhD student

Wow Kezza, kindred spirit. Have a look at a post I put on before Christmas, and you'll see that I've been feeling exactly the same way. Confused, depressed, incredibly isolated (I'm doing English Lit), tired, apathetic, crazy...and these are just a sample of the feelings I've had. I decided yesterday to quit, but my partner keeps telling me to give it another term. What do you all reckon?

Help! I'm only 3 weeks in and I hate it and feel like quitting

Just wanted to say thanks to you all, especially Bibi's very balanced and encouraging comment. You're totally right - there are bigger things in life than this PhD and if I do still hate it by mid/end Nov, it'll be bye bye birdy for me.

Thanks for your insights and wisdom!

Help! I'm only 3 weeks in and I hate it and feel like quitting

Yes, thanks Katq, it does help, at least to know that how I am feeling isn't unusual. Cheers.

Help! I'm only 3 weeks in and I hate it and feel like quitting

Thanks all so much. I guess I'm finding the loneliness, isolation, confusion, sense of having SO much to read/learn/master and the feeling that I don't know anything, really hard. I'm a really sociable, gregarious person and this solitary research life is cutting me to the core, really. But I take your advice and will hang in there, at least a bit longer. Problem is, I've felt like this since day 1. Okay, maybe day 3...

Help! I'm only 3 weeks in and I hate it and feel like quitting

I've waited a year for this to start, I got my funding and everything and now i'm actually doing it I hate it and feel desperately, hopelessly miserable. I don't think I can do this for 3 years! Is this normal?