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So much to do...and I cant do it!

Hi..thank you :-)

Yep, other corrections - done, formatting - done, contents etc - done. I think its the knowledge that there is still work to be done which is making it frustrating, because I feel like I should be madly working at this point, not lazing about..I know taking a break makes sense, but I have this forever guilty feeling...Im guessing based on how I feel now that after its submitted, and before my viva, it will be even worse...lets hope its not!!

So much to do...and I cant do it!

Is anyone in the situation where they have so much to do, but literally cant do it - because your supervisor has all your work and you cant do anything until you have it back?? How frustrating!!!!!!!

I am onto the final draft, im submitting in 2 weeks, and I just want to get the god damn thing finished, but my supervisor has my general discussion, and so I cant make any sort of changes until I have it back...Ive frabbed about with contents, looking at printing and binding prices, margins, page numbering...and still im waiting! Now I feel like I could have this whole thing done early, and Ive so much to do, and instead im sat here writing this!

Argh - frustration!!!
