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Countdown to Friday

I'm submitting on friday too! I should be massively stressed, but to be honest I just dont seem to care that much any more. Just starting my discussion now, and still have loads of corrections to make, but I kind of think that its never gonna be 100% perfect, so might as well leave some little errors in there for the examiners to pick up on (after all, a lot of examiners dont feel they've done a proper job unless they've made editing suggestions, so hopefully if they have little errors to deal with they'll be satisfied!). Also, when I consider the amount of thought and time I have put into this bastard thing over the past 3.5 years, and the careful planning and good results I've got, I just cant see that a few typos or badly worded sentences could lead to a fail. I kind of think if there is enough wrong with the theisis to fail, or to get major corrections, then its too late now anyway. To be honest, thank god for a proper deadline - something I've come to really miss throughout this whole ball-ache.

Let me know how your getting on Oddnumbers - its the final push, and we're in it together. Scary, and exciting!

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Thanks Smilo, thats great to know :-)

Would you like my SOUL too?

Hello everyone, I was just wondering whether it was the norm to put ALL the results you obtain during your PhD into the thesis? Like, if you get a post doc lined up, with a deadline for submission, can leave some bits out, and maybe write them up in paper form at a later date? How much is enough god damn it! Cheers