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Am I an idiot?

Wow thanks for all the replies on this

Am I an idiot?

======= Date Modified 12 34 2009 17:34:06 =======
======= Date Modified 12 33 2009 17:33:06 =======
Hi all, I started my PhD in pharmacy three weeks ago, after a few tentative weeks attending relentless safety talks I'm kind of in the thick of it now. Its been really overwhelming and I feel I want to just vent, I am on a DTC program with a multidisciplinary focus. I've found myself doing some hard core organic chemistry, now, I come from a molecular biology background. Its got me feeling like a bit of dullard, I actually find it quite embarrassing bumbling my way through stuff an A level Chemistry student would know. I feel a little a bit hopeless in front of my supervisor to be frank.

All is not lost as this is a training project and I am in the library writing this with an A level Chemistry book in front of me so I will improve. I also like going out of my comfort zone. My worries at the moment is that I after a day of ruminating through the literature I am no closer to getting anything done in the lab. I also can't help feeling like a thicko around my peers,