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Editing a monster?

Hoorah! I have just finished writing my last chapter (Introduction and conclusion not included), and now, I'm totally stuck.

I had a plan to print the whole thing out and read through it all with a marker to note key ideas and themes, but that suddenly seems like a mammoth task, and perhaps not all that productive. How did everyone else, particularly those in arts and social sciences, go about piecing the whole thing together? I just want to see if anyone has any neat ideas before I go printing out a rainforest.

Isolation, and pleasures of wayward distraction!

Hi guys, I've just started my final year of the PhD and, while that is exciting, the isolation has been tough and the idea of another year of it is a bit worrying.

Just wondering if anyone else has found that with so much time alone, working and also procrastinating, they've become a bit... paranoid? I've always been a bit nervous socially and concerned about people liking me, but lately, its become extreme - lying awake at night thinking everyone hates me type extreme. I'm wondering if this might be a common outcome of isolating work, or whether I'm just predisposed to being socially insecure? or both!

Any thoughts/shared experiences would be wonderful.