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Easing back after an extended period of illness. Academic limbo?

was forced to put my PhD studies/activities on hold due to an extended period of illness. It has been a long battle. However I am receiving treatment and am starting to recover. The University were very understanding and placed my funding etc on hold. Recently my Doctor has advised me that I can start some light academic reading. Have been trying to read around a few topics but I keep hitting 'paywalls'. Since I am not currently registered at the University I don't have access to the library and online journals. Some times I can find an illicit pdf posted on a torrent site or the like. Is there a way for a lapsed students to keep abreast of the material? Not having an income I can't possibly pay for access paper by paper. Hasn't the government funded most of this research? Why should I pay for access? I have had limited success by searching Citeseer, visting the Authors home page or hoping Google Books allows access to the pages I require. Thought about just posting a list of the papers I would like to read on a message board and rely on the kindness of current students with unfettered access to email them to me. Is this dishonest/illegal? I suppose I am wondering is there a piratebay equivalent for scientific papers that 'all the kids' are using. I would feel guilty using it though.
This time away from University has brought home to me just how important 'my' PhD is to me. It's completion is an entity that exists in isolation from my University and Supervisors(although impossible without their help and support). It is 'my' PhD! Which has already placed me on a unique and individual voyage of discovery. University, Degrees, Conferences, Professional Bodies and career prospects aside. The genie's bottle has been opened I want to keep reading and researching topics that i find interesting. How can I do this while away from University? Shouldn't the government have a scheme for unemployed post docs or scientific professionals? Providing them with access to journals and other resources. Wouldn't it improve their chances of getting re-employed?
Any suggestions gratefully received. My apologies if is this is a stupid question or if I have missed something obvious. Whilst determined I am far from the sharpest tool in the box.
