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SMC Online PhD

The Belford joke is running on empty. Why not try to contribute for a change?

SMC Online PhD

Seems somewhat credible but you never know. They can be found at http://www.swissmc.ch/

SMC Online PhD

Anyone heard of the SMC online PhD? Are these type of products (online taught PhD's) gaining any credibility? Thank you very much

Walden Phd or not?

Darn right. We don't have broadband so page 2/3 will only load next week....

Case closed now that I read the whole thing. Thank you

Beer on tap when debts are called up!

Walden Phd or not?

Lamb, me again. I'm going blind. Where did you refer to Walden in that link?

Drinks on me if you can find it...

Walden Phd or not?

I'm in Africa - little more needs to be said. Love everything here bar educational standards. Don't want to leave, not even for a Phd. Simply looking for 1st class (virtual) autonomy in the land of the blind...

Thanks again!

Walden Phd or not?

Thanks Lamb, sounds like good advice. The problem I'm having is finding a credible distance learning Phd. Are there any? So far Walden seemed the most suitable (Perhaps it's the 20 days' residency and a serious price tag that gives it a bit of weight). They are part of Laureate who also govern the new online MSc in colab with Uni of Liverpool.

Know of any serious online Phd's?

Walden Phd or not?

So, in your opinion, is ANY distance learning Phd dubious? I see no reference to Walden in your referred posting and am somewhat surprised that it would find itself on the same page as a diploma mill.

Thank you for taking the trouble to respond!

Walden Phd or not?



Walden Phd or not?

I've been looking at the Walden online Phd programme in Applied Management and Decision Sciences. Any views on its quality and credibility?

Thank you for a terrific forum.

Looking for a research topic (aviation) for Phd

Great inspiration, thank you very much 404!

Looking for a research topic (aviation) for Phd

I'm a pilot looking for a research topic in aviation management/bst practices. There seems to be so litte academic validation in the aviation industry that I have no idea where to start. Any suggestions?