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Clarification on usage of FindAPhd.com

at an
I am in need of clarification regarding FindAPhd.com  It is my impression that a PhD student from a university in one country (prospective or early career PhD) can attend coursework in their home university
but do a PhD studentship at another university in another country.   These types of programs are called
study aboard or overseas studentship.  

It is my plan to attend courses through an online university in the states (North America) towards my doctorate degree, but enroll in a PhD studentship in the UK or elsewhere. So, my question is can I be a student enrolled in a university in one country but still do a PhD research project in another country and accept any funding offered through the studentship and apply it to the tuition costs of my home university?  That was my understanding, but please clarify and confirm this please.

The reason for my question is I have applied for two studentships thus far and received replies that are consistent with not being able to follow through with my plan. I have only applied for PhD studentships that are labelled with a globe icon that states funding is available for students worldwide.  That tells me that I should be able to attend schooling in the states toward a PhD or equivalent and still do a PhD research project/studentship in another country. The university I am planning on attending in the states (USA) is an online university and thus will allow me to travel to the UK as needed for a research project overseas but apply the funding I receive for my research project to tuition costs at the university I am enrolled in back in the states. 

If someone could lend some clarification on this issue and let me know if I can do what I wish to, let me know. And any other advice you have for me would be great. 

Stephanie Hill