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Part Time PhD - Thinking quitting


I am currently struggling to see a way forward with my PhD and seriously thinking of quitting. As background, I am a part-time Student (Self Funded) and working fulltime. I started the PhD in March 2017.

Year 1 & 2 - Mar-17 to Mar19. All research went well and following the initial research plan.
Year 3 March 19 - Mar 20. My supervisor switched the direction of my research and looking back at my notes and progress, nothing has been done
Temp withdraw Mar20 to Sept20 - suspended study due to Covid
Sept20 to Now - absolutely no progress being made

I have effectively wasted 18 months of time on producing nothing valuable and have made no progress in 18 months. I have previously raised this with my supervisor, but he is not concerned. I need to change the direction of my research if not I feel I just need to quit.

I have a progress report due and have nothing to document.