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Just graduated...

I've just finished an MA in English and I can't find a job better than the one i had before I took the MA, a routine administrative post in a school. I don't drive and can't afford to commute which I know hampers me, but finding a job even vaguely related to my academic field and interests is impossible without experience, which I also appreciate I should have done during my university time. I was on my club committee during university and despite the fact that I enjoyed this and my MA I am consumed with anger and bitterness regarding my time doing my MA. I can't think of my university with pleasure, didn't feel able to go to my graduation ceremony and wish I hadn't wasted my time doing it. I don't know how to get over these feelings or indeed how to forge any kind of meaningful career since all I can find is Sales and Recruitment, neither of which interest me. But for the friends and partner I gained during my MA I would be completely broken by my stupidity in taking the MA and I find it hard to enjoy these wonderful things in my life because I had expected - naively - so much more from my MA and just feel totally let down. It doesn't help that people off my course have gained better jobs either through moving abroad, having done work experience which I can't afford to do any more, or just through being in the right place at the right time. I hate myself for not being able to be happy for them since my own personal development has been so pitiful.
Has anyone been in a similar situation or has any advice? I'm sorry to have written such a miserable post but I am finding it nigh impossible to move on in any way.