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Master Distinction Failure

I am a PhD student and I just got news that I passed my Master of Research but I didn't get the distiction I was close to getting because my thesis let me down - I got 68 overall and I am devastated, I can't stop crying and I feel like a failure because everyone had built me up and expected a distinction - now I am worried that I am not good enough for my PhD

I just had to post because I am so upset and I needed to let this out


I am not sure but I am currently looking to apply to the AHRC but I was wondering do you know if the ESRC accepts projects concerning contemproary history and international relations?

Desperately worried about extension of MRes funding to PhD

Hi there
I am an MRes student and I currently have DEL funding for the MRes and I deperately want to do my PhD at the end of this year but I can't unless I have funding. Can anyone help calm my nerves by telling me what the likelyhood is of having funding from DEL for the PhD given the fact that they have already given me funding for the MRes?