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How do I delete a post?

Hello, I'm wondering how to delete a post. I saw before written somewhere that I contact an email, however, I did this a while ago, and have not had a response...

Calling all postgraduates, graduates and undergraduates to complete my survey

Hello I'm looking for participants to complete my survey. As long as you're 18+, British, and living in the UK, ideally have been to university at some point in your life, or are currently attending, you are all good to take part. I've had lots of female participants, but need more males to take part too.

Here's the link: https://goldpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/j...eT0Gojskbgnqu1

It'd be much much appreciated.

Thank you in advance

Post your surveys here!

Hello :) I'm looking for participants to complete my survey. As long as you're 18+, British, and living in the UK, ideally have been to university at some point in your life, or are currently attending, you are all good to take part. I've had lots of female participants, but need more males to take part too.

Here's the link: https://goldpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/j...eT0Gojskbgnqu1

It'd be much much appreciated.

Thank you in advance