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Viva Panic!!! Stupis mistake?

Thank you Algaequeen!
I wish! straight back to work, alas, and now have to prepare for this interview next week then I'm off on a research trip! I'll put my feet up at Christmas!

Viva Panic!!! Stupis mistake?

Hello everyone!
Somehow made it back home through the snow yesterday after a very successful viva on Tuesday. Passed with (very) minor corrections!

It was my dream viva really- they told me at the beginning I had passed and that they loved it and it really then was just 2 hours of really interesting debate, particularly with the external who I know already and is just wonderful to talk to. They advised that I approach the very top publishing house in my field as well! Didn't ask me anything about editing and authorship after all that worry!
My supervisor said I did brilliantly! And while I was in there I got a phone call that I have an interview for a permanent job (which are like hens teeth in my field at the moment) at the University where I'm already working so things are looking very positive!

What a relief!

Thanks everyone:-)

Viva Panic!!! Stupis mistake?

It does seem to turn everyone's brain to mush!
We must be a bunch of masochists...

Thanks everyone for all your good wishes!:-)
Will let you all know how Tuesday goes and good luck to you all too, whatever stage you're at!

Viva Panic!!! Stupis mistake?

Thanks everyone- you all made me feel loads better with all your kind words and support and I just heard from my supervisor who said not to worry either! I think that I was just finding something to focus on. She said if they do ask don't make a big deal of it and just explain about my eyes!

Viva is next Tuesday but since I work in another University now they have kindly given me the time off as 'research leave' to prepare. Will let you know how it goes

Thanks again!

Viva Panic!!! Stupis mistake?

======= Date Modified 25 Nov 2010 12:52:21 =======
Obviously that should read 'Stupid Mistake!' Duh!

Hi Everyone, I hope this doesn't sound too stupid but I will be having my PhD viva on Tuesday and it has just occurred to me that I could be in a bit of trouble. In my acknowledgements I thanked both my supervisor and a friend for their editing skills, even elaborating in the case of my friend that she had 'tamed' my more offbeat flights of prose.
I wasn't really thinking about semantics properly when I wrote this in my haze of submission- both my PhD and my supervisor actually proofread my thesis rather than edited it and the way that my friend 'tamed' my sentences was that she pointed out where extra punctuation might be helpful in my overlong Victorianist sentences!

Anyway, it never occurred to me that this might be a problem until a couple of days ago when my supervisor told me not use the word 'edit' in conjunction with anyone else doing anything to my thesis. I have been panicking ever since! I've emailed her but she hasn't replied yet which probably means she is busy or might mean she is a bit cross with me!

So, what I'm asking really do people think that examiners actually read the acknowledgements? And if they do am I going to be in trouble for writing this? Do you think they will accept my explanation that it was me being a bit thick about the difference between proofreading and editing? I really did do all the editing myself and merely accepted suggestions from both supervisor and friend.

I especially need my work proofreading as I have double strabismus in my eyes (both eyes turn at different times and I have double vision when I concentrate or if I relax them my brain effectively blocks out the vision in my left eye!) which means I sometimes miss details. Normally I don't even think about it but it got quite pronounced towards the end of writing up!

I've been through blood, sweat and tears of doing this PhD part-time over 8 years whilst usually working full time jobs and it would kill me if I was failed over this thoughtlessness.

Any thought gratefully received!
