Questionnaires in Appendix?


Can anyone help me please. I am reading divided opinion on whether my questionnaires should go in or not. My prof. said it is up to me!! If they are not ones I have designed, e.g., MMSE, what is humble opinion?
Many thanks, submitting next Friday...


In my department, it's standard to put all research instruments, and research protocol (e.g. questionnaires) in the appendix. Anything that isn't yours (MMSE questionnaire, maps) should include a copyright date, or "used with permission from XYZ".

(Just a thought...don't you find it a bit odd that your prof would say this is optional? When you're reading a research report, don't you check out the questionnaire, etc. in the back of the report? Maybe your prof misunderstood your question?)


Thank you for this. I am his first PhD student at this university and only one, I have had to find EVERYTHING out for him! He is involved in research all over the world and I don't think he has time or inclination to find out. So, I think nothing of him saying this type of thing after all these years! In our guidelines, there is no clear guidance either, all my research materials are included and own questionnaires but I am just not sure about the copyright ones. I think I will probably end up including them with full reference, copyright, etc. like you mention as I adapted one for the UK (the author is my profs colleague in another country) and I think it should be seen. It is nice in some ways being left to be independent but not so nice in others!


Oh, I understand now! Is there another prof in your department with whom you can talk as you reach the final stages of your program? It's good to have an "unofficial supervisor", especially if your real supervisor is too busy. An unofficial sup may not be inclined to read your whole manuscript, but you could show her a summary, or discuss some key points - anything to help you prepare for the viva.


Yes in appendix! Dont want them taking up valuable space/word count.... Unless there is something novel/unique to you about them, then reprint the important bit in text.


All my questionnaires and cognitive tasks went in as appendices in my main thesis. I also had to submit an electronic copy which can be accessed electronically form the British library and I removed all copyrighted material from that as I didn't have permissions to include them as appendices and didn't really want to get permissions for 30 or so cogntive tasks and questionnaires.


Thank you. I have included them with full references.
Submitting tomorrow, almost out of my hands now, I can't believe I am here, nearly there......Leaving at 6.15 am, Uni is in London, should be fun getting in and out :)