co-authoring yes or no


Hello. I was asked to be a co-author in a paper in the social sciences area. The thing is, even if this persons work is admirable, Im in the middle of my PhD and I haven't published anything myself about my work in progress (I present it in conferences but publishing is a step I want to make after or when I'm almost finishing my thesis). I'd like to make a first paper on my research without co-authors, a paper with my name only and my data only. Is there a way to kindly explain this? I'd love a colaboration for sure...But later, after I finish and publish on my own. Am i losing an opportunity? I'm in the middle of a confidence crisis and I think it would be important for me to publish on my own to value and share to the world and academia the particular work and thoughts I am working on. I appreciate your advise. Thanks.


Say yes


I agree with Thesisfun. Co-authoring is a great opportunity and what you learn from collaboration (drafting, editing) will strengthen your writing skills for a solo paper later. Especially if the co-author has experience publishing. First papers from recent grads are not particularly stellar, honestly, as the authors are practising how to switch from a slog of writing like a thesis to a distilled piece of writing that needs to capture the attention to get past the desk-reject. However, this is assuming that you and the co-author will collaborate with the data/analysis/argument, not that the co-author wants to piggy-back off your entire work. If it is the latter case, then I can see your hesitation.

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Go for it!

Some want to collaborate with you, that is a good sign that people think you are good enough to publish. The more you publish, the easier it will be. Don't hesitate because you think you will fail or because you want to have the perfect paper on your own work, you would just be delaying the inevitable.

Though is this a stand-alone more ap or is he/she is trying to piggyback off your work? If it is the latter I understand your hesitation and giving away authorship when you are close to doing it solo, is hard.


It's a total no brainer. Say yes.
You'll get your first authorship in good time.
To remain in academia you'll need publications.
This is a good chance to get a score on the board.
My first paper was 2nd author. A series of 1st author papers followed.
The order is irrelevant.


Yes, just do it. It is unlikely to be a massive amount of work. Don't say no whatever you do! If you are in the middle of a confidence crisis, this may be just what you need. Good luck!