Overview of trisarahtops

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Apologies but need to vent

From my experience, and others', PhDs mean pretty lonely times! I get awfully lonely, especially seeing as being a new mother I cant go out and socialise after a day's study. I know other students who travel hundreds of miles to get to out PhD training sessions once or twice a week and i admire them for that. basically, what I'm saying is: you're not alone.

I am concerned to hear you feel you're not supported by your supervisor though- it is their job to communicate with you and if this is damaging your work you're certainly within your rights to either subtly mention that you're aware they are busy but that you'd appreciate some feedback. Also, ask them to keep you posted about dates they will be away for conferences/field trips/holidays so you know when they'll be away from the computer. If there's another specialist in your subject area at your Uni consider switching?

Fear of Losing Funding

Sounds like what you're worried about is the fact that you're the maker of your own destiny? Studentships are only given to outstanding students so your project must have been deemed valuable in that your department approved investing in it. Having said that, I too lack self-esteem and worry that my project won't 'come up' with anything significant...but usually a meeting with my supervisors re-instills my confidence in a jiffy :) I think that for any funding to be removed the situation would have to entail non-submission of work or failing annual reports etc but then if you've already done 2 years then you know what is expected of you and you know what to do. Maybe just take a step back, have a nice relaxing day then re-attack with a fresh perspective of 'I deserve every penny and I deserve this opportunity' might serve you well? :)

AHRC cuts and changes to overseas visits funding

I decided to register on this site to guage how many others are affected by the AHRC's cuts in funding for field trips.

I am very lucky and grateful to have an AHRC studentship. When I took it on in 2009 and planned my research for the following year I was looking at keeping my house and being able to simply plan the long stint in Peru, allowing me to get on with my research. However my little baby boy came into my life meaning that the fied trip was put on hold for a year's maternity leave.

With the big bad changes (essentially, drastically lowered funds available to award holders who must now apply via their institutions), I will now have to fund the flight out of my own pocket (they're empty-see bit about baby) and the AHRC now only contributes minimally towards trip expenses.

So basically I am now a year into my project, the fieldtrip is essential for my anthropological research but now it will be nearly impossible for me to carry out the main part of my project?!

Anyone else been stumped?