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Should i tell potential employees that i have quite my PhD?

Dear all,

I started my PhD 9 months ago and im so miserable right now.. My supervisor is a very sexist man to the point that he has shown me that he does not trust me. He never lets me take the initiative to do work but instead tells me what i should do!!! I have been feeling this way for a few months now and well i think i want to go and get a job...

I also feel like i started this phd all for the wrong reasons... I am very eager to make lots and lots of money and well i dont believe a PhD will earn me money...

I want to start applying for jobs but should i tell them that i started a PhD and decided not to finish it? Wont that look like im a quitter? I was thinking of saying i have been travelli9ng for 9 months or so!!!

Any ideas?

I would really appreciate it.
