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How to go on?

I'm in a similar position to you. I'm coming to the end of my third year in a PhD and have absolutely no interest in the topic or research anymore. My experiments are completed and finding the motivation to write is really difficult. Problems with conflicting advice from my multiple supervisors are not helping and are dragging things out longer than I expected and of course, there is the lack of finances to consider. As a result, I have decided to look for other work and I've had a positive response from several companies. I don't know if I will finish off the PhD part time or give it the boot completely, it really depends on what sort of job I get and how I feel, but I do know that my sanity, health and family are my top priorities. It sounds like you have some good qualifications that you could use if you decide not to continue your PhD, and I congratulate you on taking the time to think things through. You really need to work out what sort of career and lifestyle you want and whether a PhD is needed for it. Is a PhD something you could come back to in a few years after working to set yourself up financially? If you decide to stop the PhD remember you can refer to the work you have done so far when applying for jobs as it has given you skills such as organisation, time management, project management, communication etc. Really, I think PhD's aren't so much about the specialised topics they are on, but are about developing these skills and preparing you for the workforce. Good luck with your decision - I know it's a difficult one!