Overview of Tudor_Queen

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Hit a new low with my PhD and I don't know how to continue - any advice welcome

I agree with tru as well. Sorry if my first post wasn't very empathetic. I was somehow focusing on more practical issues and overlooking the fact that actually you've suddenly been placed in a very difficult situation that was beyond your control - and that is WHY you are having some motivational issues. It is a huge upheaval and shock to have your supervisor suddenly removed and be without proper support. I really feel for you and hope this supervision issue can be addressed. You are entitled to proper supervision. Maybe being open with the current supervisor would be a good starting point - as tru suggests. If that fails, then talking to another academic and asking for advice might be useful. Good luck and I hope things start looking up soon.

feeling lost and need advice (final year PhD)

Hi J_W - congratulations! That is amazing news! And what a bonus to find yourself with the possibility of an unexpected additional paper from your PhD as well!

I'm going to remember this positive outcome as my own submission/viva draws near (December ish).

So happy for you! I'll check out the hall of fame more often going forward!


feeling lost and need advice (final year PhD)

Hi J_W! Things are going well thanks - I'm away on a study trip at the moment and feeling incredibly refreshed to be in a different environment. How are things at your end? Can't remember if you updated on progress on the corrections - hope it's going well / nearly there!

Hit a new low with my PhD and I don't know how to continue - any advice welcome


Sounds like you are having a hard time of it at the moment. A few things jump out from your post... it seems like you're having motivational issues. I think you need to take a short break and think really seriously about whether you want to drive your PhD on to the end - or not.

And if the answer is yes, think about what is going to get you there / enable you to do that. List the challenges and come up with different strategies that will help address each.

E.g., I am not motivated by/interested in my research anymore. What was it that got you interested in it in the first place? Can you think of any papers that you find or once found super interesting? What were they and why? I think that if I were in your position this would be my approach. Each thing can be dealt with in turn. Is it important to have a rapport with your new main supervisor? If so, how could you go about trying to establish this? Invite them for coffee and to talk about your research - and what it was that kindled that original interest you once had? I have hardly any friends... OK - so how could I go about setting up some interactions that might lead to friendships?

I hope this helps or at least triggers some helpful thought! : )


PhD loans - what do you all think?

Wow! Was that a northern city by any chance? Amazing!

Dated in Thailand while I was visiting

OK! That helps! I thought everyone knew what this about except for me! :-D

Quote From Psych1:
If you begin a PhD you will be so distracted that you will forget about this 'chick'.

Yes, that's right! Reality check! :-D

feeling lost and need advice (final year PhD)

Quote From Jamie_Wizard:
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and expect something in-between! Wish you all the best!

Great advice - I think I'll take that too!

Dated in Thailand while I was visiting

OK... I am still not quite clear here.

Was this post a bait to make people get outraged, as pm133 suggests? Or, was it a genuine question from a naive person?

Those are two completely different different things!

Dated in Thailand while I was visiting

Quote From pm133:
Quote From Tudor_Queen:
Quote From pm133:
Quote From Tudor_Queen:
Maybe someone should explain their opinion / view so that jacoblincoln understands why he isn't getting the advice he is asking for. Otherwise not very helpful!

Do you actually believe the original poster is seriously looking for help? :-D
The use of the word "chick" to describe women should be a pretty good giveaway.

Yes! Isn't he then? Please explain... it's not my area! :D

At the risk of mansplaining, the OP is clearly taking the piss by using a derogatory word like chick to describe women to see if any bites can be had from any online "snowflakes" who might be active on here. He is deliberately trying to bait an outraged response.
He got you good......
Come on, surely you spotted that? You are winding me up right? :-D

Really? Lol! I honestly had no idea! But then I'm not much of a snowflake so it was all wasted on me! I just assumed it was a serious but naive request for advice - thanks for explaining.

How much does the PhD interview count in comparison to the application?

True! Basically you just have to go for it and apply for a number of funding options / positions to try and secure funding with the knowledge that being rejected doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't good enough.

pm133 - do you stand by your statement in another recent thread that not being awarded funding is "a strong message that your research is not valued enough by our society to bother funding"? Just wondered as it seems a bit contradictory to what you've posted here about academics interviewing token candidates to tick boxes and then giving the position to the one they wanted in the first place.

PhD loans - what do you all think?

That is utter nonsense!!!

Dated in Thailand while I was visiting

Quote From pm133:
Quote From Tudor_Queen:
Maybe someone should explain their opinion / view so that jacoblincoln understands why he isn't getting the advice he is asking for. Otherwise not very helpful!

Do you actually believe the original poster is seriously looking for help? :-D
The use of the word "chick" to describe women should be a pretty good giveaway.

Yes! Isn't he then? Please explain... it's not my area! :D

PhD loans - what do you all think?

Some people aren't getting funding because they aren't striking lucky. I say this as a person who did get funding. Not getting funding may be sending no message other than: there isn't enough to go around - you were unlucky.

PhD loans - what do you all think?

I think it is better than nothing (that 25k is available now). I know people who are part funded - and working their socks off to pay the other part. So this would help them nicely. Other than that, yes, it isn't enough!

Dated in Thailand while I was visiting

It could happen! I know someone who did something similar. He thought he was the only one, but after a year or so he found out she was dating lots of men from different countries!