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Exeter OR Loughborough? Banking

======= Date Modified 24 Mar 2010 04:39:10 =======
======= Date Modified 24 Mar 2010 04:38:32 =======
Thanks Ephiny&DanB:-)

Exeter OR Loughborough? Banking

Hello Everyone,

I am an international student with an undergraduate degree in Financial Analysis and I intend to attend a master course in UK.After graduate I want to work in a bank. I have received two offers,EXETER(MSC-Money and Banking) & LOUGHBOROUGH(MSC-Banking and Finance).

According to the Times Rankings 2010,it seems that EXETER(9) is better than LOUGHBOROUGH(17)?What about the reputations between these two universities in UK?As for me,it is really hard to choose. Could you give me some advice?

Any help would be appreciated.