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I passed!


CONGRATULATIONS!(gift)(gift):-):-)8-) I'm so pleased for you!


Thanks everyone! It really hasn't sunk in yet, I still feel really wound up and stressed! The viva was really really hard, and I honestly came out of it fearing the worst. The external examiner was firm but fair, but the internal was a nightmare- really hard work and slightly rude/inappropriate in my opinion. But the changes are minimal, and hey, who cares now!

Yes, Catalinbond, 2 yrs 10 months from beginning to viva! But I've been very lucky with participant recruitment and my supervisor has been extremely efficient in turning drafts around, which has been a massive help!

Off abroad for a friend's wedding for a few days now, can't wait to have a change of scene and a chance to wind down!
Best, KB


Congrats KB and all the best for the future.

What was Phd in?


Congratulations! (Two hours sounds quite scary...)


Hey! I think two hours is fairly standard really- I know plenty of people who have had both longer and shorter vivas. Would love to say that time flew, but it didn't! My PhD was on Alzheimer's disease (from a clinical psychology perspective). Am just about beginning to unwind! Best, KB


Great news, congratulations Dr. Keenbean !


Massive congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Do your corrections and put it all behind you!!!!!!!!!!!



Congratulations, that's fantastic news!!!!!


Haven't been on here for ages, just looked in to see if any of the names i knew had any news.. and what great news.
Well done KB. Very well deserved.
Allow yourself time to feel whatever comes at you.
Regards, Chuff


Congratulations keenbean. Well done indeed.


Think Cool and the Gang put it best ... Celebrate good times C'moooonnnnn!!! :-)


Hey Keenbean, I've just seen your news, that's fantastic!! Congratulations, especially after the super fast finishing and prep time!! Good luck for the job and finishing the corrections, wee buns to ya!! And do make sure to get some rest!!


Congratulations! That is fantastic news!!!


:-x:-x:-x Congratulations Keenbean!