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The difference between high 2:1 (67.4%) and first class degree (68%)

I have obtained high 2:1 (67.4%) and one of my friends also got 2:1 (58%) and while my other friend who got first class degree by obtaining 68% while I have obtained higher exam pass rates 8/12 were above 76 marks while my assigments were above 55 in the third year .

my Question is when it come in the job market how will they differentiate between us and what advantage would first class student have, in other words will the <1% make a difference.

When I requested that my papers have to reviewed .My professors said that my degree is equivalent to first class and I can write my overall percentage (67.4%) in my CV. I would have obtained first class if I had obtained 67.5% and this would have been rounded to 68%.

Should I seek review or I should be proud for my degree?

Many thanks
