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Upgrade- the time it takes and how to get by without the next installment of studentship

Yes thats a good idea thanks!

Upgrade- the time it takes and how to get by without the next installment of studentship

Hi Ann,

Well I use the term studentship because thought that was the correct term. What I mean is the funding (call it studentship, bursary, salary etc) has stopped because I havent upgraded, and I havent upgraded because Im waiting for my transfer viva!


Upgrade- the time it takes and how to get by without the next installment of studentship

Well I think its the postgrad supervisor. Saw him today and asked but he just said that things were taking longer than expected. I think this is ridiculous.

Upgrade- the time it takes and how to get by without the next installment of studentship

I am very concerned. I submitted my transfer report 4 weeks ago with the plan to have the viva two weeks following. However, this has stalled and it is very concerning because my studentship has stopped as I await the upgrade. I think this is very unfair. I handed in the report on time but its being held up by others. I am actually considering quiting because I am in such a bad financial situation now.

Your thoughts?

Transfer report submitted. What do I expect from viva?

Handed in transfer report yesterday. I am very critical of it and know examiners will pick holes in it. I wanted to ask you guys about your first year viva. Was it specifically about your research or more generic about the PhD process? How long did it last? Were there uncomfortable questions/silences? Any tips?


Thank you for your support - I Passed!

Well done. You deserve it.

suffering and no reward for doing a PhD?

Please- everyone is overlooking the obvious. You are to a certain extent (and myself to a large extent) YOUR OWN BOSS. Ok, you have deadlines and work to hand in etc but you are left to get on with it. I am anyway, hence the reason Im so behind. But that is the beauty of it.
So when I see article like this one I take no notice as you need to experience the PhD process yourself. Life skills!!!!

Should i be drinking with 4 days to go to hand in?

I am drinking many bottles of Stella, playing online poker, and not doing work, eventhough my transfer report is due in in (?? 2 ins) 4 days (but it is very late: 00:47). Is this acceptable or appropriate behaviour (will forget i set this topic up in morning)

what news of trnasfer report/upgrade report and viva?


I take it that many first year PhD students are currently completing or have completed their transfer report/upgrade report. Some may have also finished viva. How has it gone? I have to hand in transfer report on monday 4th of september and I feel like crap. DanB any news? I havent been on for a while.

Anyone like football?

Yes I was watching. I think he should be given a life ban from football. I know its a contact sport but it was horrific. I would prefer to see players diving (& that really gets to me!!!) than tackles like that.

DVD Box sets will see you through!

Ah 24 first series was good but second was quite poor so I havent watch anymore. I would definately suggest you watch scrubs first series. It is an absolute cracker. I have watch all three series and waiting for the release of the fourth.

upgrade report -arghhh

Hi all. My report has to be 30 pages long (1.5 spacing) so I guess it would work out between 12,000 and 15,000 words if I were to guess. It has to be in at end of august. I haven started yet!!! I have been gathering all relevant info etc. I have a report plan and will start writing today. So, I think that should re assure you all that you are in a better position than myself.

Is this the end?

Hi DanB, it is my first year report. I guess it boils down to the fact that I have left it to the last minute (only three weeks) to write a report that should be around 30 pages (at 1.5 spacing). It is definately enough time to complete but I am very worried about how my life is going to be in the next few weeks. God help my girlfirend who has just moved in!
I think the ideas suggested are definately going to be considered and I thank you all for your help.

Is this the end?

I have three weeks to write my transfer report and I am considering 'throwing in the towel'. I am struggling to say the least. My ideas are all very hazy and writing is turning into a real nightmare. I have attempted to use a plan to structure the report but it just doesnt seem right. Has anyone been in the same boat? How did you overcome the 'writers block?

simplifying presentation for the non specialist

Yep I pretty much followed that structure and it went down quite well. I think they all understood what I was trying to do and what I was looking at. Its funny because that was the least nervous I have ever been when presenting (but its probably the most prepared that I have been- there is an obvious link there!).
Now Im going to enjoy the afternoon because I have been working hard on this for past 2 weeks.

A bit of 5-a-side footy and then watch world cup. Ha Ha. Enjoy work!!!!!! (A joke of course)