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Whoo Hoo (first draft done!)

Hi Shani and Piglet,

Thanks for your messages.

Piglet - Yes, I feel like I've heard the bell for my final lap (although it still looks like a very long one!). When will you hear a decision regarding your thesis?

Whoo Hoo (first draft done!)

I've just completed my final chapter, so now have an entire first draft of my thesis (only a few changes to make - should take a month or two at the most if all goes well) and then I'm ready to submit!

How much work do you guys have left to do?

How do you change your username?

Hello Everyone,

How do you change your username?

Need cheering up

CC - it seems as if your supervisor is feeding you some tosh. Any decent examiner would expect a student to be nervous during their viva (and this affecting their responses). My supervisor told me a story about a via he was on the panel for, where the person was so nervous they just totally clamed up, and getting them to say anything was like squeezing blood out of a stone (nevertheless, the person still passed!). They are judging you primarily on what is written in your thesis, your viva is to clarify you wrote the thesis, have an understanding of what you've written (and some related arguments), and to clarify any points that they think need developing/are unsure of.

Having said all that, if your supervisor says the thesis isn't ready for submission, it's better to hold back now, take a few more months, so when it does go in you know it will 'do the job'.

Good luck with the viva Brian!

I caught Brian chatting about his PhD a few weeks ago on BBC Breakfast News. He said although he has lots of honorary doctorates, he wanted to get a 'proper' PhD.

'Respect' and 'big up' for Brian (and yes, good luck to).

my first chapter...

Hi Chris,

The way you are feeling is completely normal ... I'm now in the late stages of writing up and still look at my work thinking it's a load of rubbish/too simplistic (even though my supervisor - as well as the panel at my transfer viva - tell me my writing style is good).

As others have suggested ... put pen to paper and start writing! Remember - your supervisor is asking you to do this as an exercise to get you to commit your ideas onto paper (those who don't get over this, usually never end up getting to submission stage!).

Some 'free write', but I don't, and have to go through the agony of making sure that everything is as word 'perfect' as I'm going along. You'll find a system that works best for you.

Also, I agree with others - 500 words a day is a realistic achievement (although when I first start writing I'm lucky if I get 100, but this does pick up pace as you 'get into' your writing).

Don't worry ... you will be fine!

Why Oh Why ...

Chris - forgot to add ...

I'm half-hoping you're a really horrible person. Good looks, a brain and being nice ... that would be far too unfair!!!

PS You'd never guess I was in PhD student in the final stages of writing-up (i.e. no social life, hardly any interaction with humans and years since I've had any physical contact!).

Why Oh Why ...

Jojo - does Chris know who you are, or are you keeping your identity secret (tee hee)? That must be peculiar/odd, bumping into someone you 'know' via the forum.

Chris - with lengthier hair, there's something very 'Rupert Everettesque' about you ... god damn it, he's gay too!!!

A thesis should have an odd number of chapters...?

Odd number of chapters ... what a load of tosh! I think a well written/constructed/presented thesis is what will concern the examiners more!

By the way, I will end up with 8 chapters in total (including intro and conc) ... my supervisor also had the same for their PhD, and it didn't appear to do them any harm, especially seen as they are now a very 'big cheese' in their field!!!

today is where it officially comes to an end...

Well Done ... Enjoy the moment!

We expect a full blown account of how your day went when you manage to recover!

Once again, congrats!!!

Why Oh Why ...

I've just seen a pic of 'Chris Rolinski' and he's a hottie! Why oh why are all the good ones gay (or married)?????

Lab coats. . .

Matthew82 ... Does this mean you found a PhD scholarship/bursary (if my knowledge is correct, weren't you having a real mare trying to find a studentship)?

i just passed my transfer!

Congratulations! ... now the real 'fun' starts (for those of you who are writing up, I'm sure you know what I mean).

Getting funding with high 2:1

Hi Jeremy,

I do know that AHRC funding usually goes to graduates who have a 1st. However, if you do exceptionally well in your masters this could compensate for not having this. Also, you should keep your eye out for uni funded bursaries

completing PhD but no prior work ex - job dilemma

The skills you've gained through tutoring/part-time lecturing should be sold as 'transferable skills'.

As the others have said, register with a good recruitment agency, but be prepared to start on a rubbish salary (although I'm sure you'll progress up the ranks quicker than someone coming in with no qualifications).