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reverse culture shock!!!

northerners just dont get southern accents. They either think all southern accents are posh, or when i moved to Liverpool (from south london) i mainly got told i sounded australian!

Cant get an interview!

Firstly try not to get down, some PhDs must have a lot of applicants and you've just gotta keep trying and keep applying. Secondly on your next application is there anyone who can look through your personal statement and advise on that aspect of the appplication?

I was the opposite when applying for PhDs - my application got me interviews, but i never got the post! It took me four years and about 8 interviews to get where i am now, so don't be disheartened to not get in straight away.

Did the earth move for you too?

was it all over britain? i slept thru it to!

How do you feel today !

ill ill ill. full of cold and i've got to travel about three hour to see an ethics committee meeting where i've go to defend the conduct of my project whilst feeling ill ill ill. :(

A magpie with shiny things

biggest distraction - scrabble on facebook. I try to resist starting more games and then do it anyway!

second biggest probably tea, getting up to make a sup should take 5 mins, but instead i offer the room, and then get chatting to someone, come back, have a quick check how my scrabble games are getting on, and realise half an hours gone by, i've finished the tea and it's time for another cup!

sorry about that rediculously long sentence. I should break it up with a full stop or two....

does anyone know anything about citrix?

thanks for the answer. Just to stop any more replies, i have now found out it is unsuitable for running experiments. New plans shall now be made (i wish i knew about computers )

does anyone know anything about citrix?

Does anyone know anything about CITRIX?
I don’t really understand it, but it has been suggested I should use if for running experiments (psychological testing)
The thing is the programmes I need to you are already set up but run on a mac, and I don’t know if this will be a problem on CITRIX. I know so little about programming and really don’t want to re-programme for a PC.
Also does citrix run over the internet? And is this likely to affect programme timing?

I tried to approach the IT guy who is pushing for the use of citrix is ignoring my emails and never answers his phone. Plus I’d like to know a bit more about it before I approach him so I don’t look an idiot.

the sounds of silence..


I've often seen people studying in coffee shops. I doubt they'd mind so long as you buy a few drinks and it's not too busy.

Also i'll second last.fm or pandora. type in an artist and they play you oter things you might like.

Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?

i did most me work like that at undergrad and msc level but as i now share with my boyfriend i'm trying hard to stick to normal work patterns. i wont be able to do alnighters unless i go to the library or get a laptop/carry the computer downsriars.

endnote - what does it actually do?

smiledon (sp? sorry fogotton exactly) you can create custom fields too for that kind of information. can't remember exactly how but someone showed me the other day!

When to start applying for Jan '09 PhD topics??

Not necesarily so, the girl on the computer next to me finised her MSc Sept 2007, started the PhD sept 2007 and graduated last week (Jan 2008). It's worth finding out if you'll be accepted. Then agian you might like to have a post masters break.

panic over teaching

i did some teaching as an MSc student and it was awful, i was given no support and didn't really know what i was meant to be doing. The main thing i learnt from this experience is preparation is the most important thing. The uni i am at now makes all would be teachers attend a uni wide teaching course. Whilst it doesn't cover content it does give a lot of advice on how to prepare for seminars. There is lots of information on the Higher Education Academy website, some of which is subject specific. If you plan your seminars as best you can, then the students will get a lot out of them, even if they don't quite match the learning outcomes. Either that, or approach the course convener and say you have some queries/issues you'd like to discuss.

NRES ethics form

i realise i should clarify this a bit. Has anyone else had to do this? I've been working on my ethics application for months and everytime i think i've finished more stuff comes along that needs clarifying or changing, and i havn't even submitted it yet! Just wanna get it in and off my desk. Then again a big ethics submission was rejected last week in my department and I don't want that to happen to me.

NRES ethics form


Over qualified and under qualified- but not qualified

In ways I agree psyc degrees should be mre vocational, if only to help people decide what direction to go post degree, but i don't think this would help the situation of getting into a job afterwards as there would still be hundreds more graduates than there are jobs, the competition would just be harder as new graduates would have more experience. The currect situation seems arduous, but it does weedle out those who are not dedicated enough to stick with it (myself included) I have friends who have got onto DClinPsyc courses, one of whom spent her free time working with an autistic boy, when the rest of us were down the pub. In many ways rather than making the course more vocational, undergrads should be encouraged, if they're serious about going into clinical psychology, to gain work experience during their degrees themselves.