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Help really needed

Thank you so much everyone I cant believe Ive only just found this site I should have looked ages ago!! You are all right, it is MY PhD and I am actually quite proud of it even if it isnt good enough when I take the viva!! Ive had to pull it from nothing - the initial outline was Immunology and I', a molecular scientist!!! Ive also had to change colleges inbetween as one of the 2 supervisors left me after the first year and so I had to move it all to the new place!!! I feel a year behind, but I guess thats because I am!!!

I will keep fighting and get reading! Thanks again for all your comments, good luck to everyone!


Help really needed

Hi everyone, I'm doing a science PhD and my third year was up in October sadly. I have been writing up but have suffered several set backs - the major set back was being told my intro was useless and I should consider if I really wanted to do a PhD because I may not be good enough by my supervisor - after crying for a week I have finally pulled myself together but I'm now in a constant state of panic!

Both supervisors have chacked my methodology and think this is well written and the results section is going well but from feeling quite positive before the meeting I am now terrified I have achieved nothing and will be laughed at in the viva.

I have not slept well for a week and keep having horrible nightmares and I scream the house down which is pretty grim for my other half!!!

I have to submit and pass by next October or I think it is classed as a fail and Im not sure what happens - I also think the funding will run out which will be a nightmare.

Id really love some advice,
