Overview of Claudia

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Transfer Reports size

I'm more worried about my trasnfer viva - my friend had hers yesterday and it took 2 and a half hours..

Transfer Reports size

Mine should be no more than 6000 words / 20 pages (but thats without figures and references)

I'm in science - don't know if that makes a difference or not

I just don't get my supervisor

She was probably having a bad day! Don't dwell on it too much - hope next week's meeting goes a bit better! :_)

All from UK?

I wish I could join in! I'm from Germany but have lived in the UK since I was 6 years old. But, I'm Dutch too. But I don't speak the language :(

Office space - what is it like in your dept?

I can't complain at all - I share an office with one other person and he's a postdoc. Lots of space for both of us!

Who is working this bank holiday?!

Gonna go in tomorrow to feed my cells, that's it for me

please.. help... severe depression?

Oh.. and if they don't get back to you, try just going round to where they're based. At my uni they have drop in sessions, which is realy useful as you don't need an appointment and you get to have a chat for half an hour or so, you'll get a feel for what counselling is all about and whether you'd like to commit to having several sessions

please.. help... severe depression?

JUst to say that I've also had some experience of counselling and have also found it really really helpful. You have to be willing to work at it though, and be willing to talk (a lot!). I think you'll be fine though Best of Luck!

Horrible presentation experience

I don't have any advice I'm afraid. Best to just forget about it - you tried your best, I'm sure
I've got my first presentation tomorrow morning and I'm scared

please.. help... severe depression?

Also - maybe try taking a few weeks off, go away somewhere if you can afford to. Take it easy for a few weeks, forget about the PhD (or at least, try to!)

please.. help... severe depression?

This doesn't sound good, not at all. And yes, it does sound like depression. I suggest you go and see your GP, I think it would be a good first step.
I hope things get better for you

Misunderstandings between PhDs and civilians No.564

Works both way though doesn't it. People ask me if I'm missing lectures and studying hard... but mym asks if I'm allowed to wear jeans to work and how long I get for lunch

Who got the fastest publication

So, what field are you working in?

Are you going to work in your PhD during the summer?

Nope you're right, I haven't been around much! I have stuff to do..

Are you going to work in your PhD during the summer?

Neither have I. Well, I did take one day off but that was for a funeral....