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Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

Quote From slowmo:

Other than the fact that punching someone causes physical harm to them. Rubbish comparison.

Prostitution causes harm to the individual, to the other person, and to society at large. It degrades the human station. Here are some statistics for you:

Suffer from post traumatic stress disorder: 48%
Threatened with a weapon: 78%
Physically assaulted: 82%
Raped: 82%
Raped more than five times: 73%
Current or past homelessness: 84%
As a child, was hit or beaten by a caregiver until injured or bruised: 49%
Sexually abused as a child: 65-95%
Upset by an attempt to make them do what had been seen in pornography: 32%
Pornography made of her in prostitution: 49%
Drugs: 75%
Alcohol: 26%
Would you leave prostitution: 87%
Need home or safe place: 78%
Need job training: 73%
Need health care: 58%
Need peer support: 50%
Need legal assistance: 42%
Need alcohol and drug treatment: 67%
Self defense training: 49%

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

Quote From slowmo:

Cleverclogs it is 'ok' because she is the owner of that body and she can do what she darn well likes with it.

That's like saying "I'm the owner of this hand, and I can do whatever the heck I like with it, from making beautiful art, through to assaulting you with a clenched fist"

There's a big difference between making art and assaulting someone. One is praiseworthy, the other will land you in jail. Same goes with the rest of the body, hence why prostitution contributes to moral decay and can't be defended on the basis of liberty. In reality, the symbol of liberty is the animal.

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

Phdbug, why do you believe it's ok for an educated woman to rent out her body to strangers for money? I'm talking about this specific example, which is unrelated to child trafficking, forced prostitution, and the myriad of other unrelated issues being discussed here.

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

Quote From rubyw:

Quote From cleverclogs:

As a doctoral student all my efforts are directed towards the development of the higher nature in both myself and in others.

You sound more as if you're on a moral crusade than engaging in the type of well-rounded debate I would expect from a doctoral student. These statements you keep making are completely devoid of any factual research or evidence, they're just opinions that, quite frankly, sound slightly fanatical.

When an educated woman completely voluntarily and unnecessarily sells her body for money, then remarks "I stand by it proudly", I would suggest morality has everything to do with it.

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

There are different types of education. A person can have an excellent material education, and have extensive knowledge about a science or philosophy, but be lacking in spiritual education. A person who possesses the loftiest material education but acts unjustly, for example, ought to be regarded as ignorant. There are many professors today who are highly uneducated.

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

We humans have a higher, spiritual nature and a lower, animal nature. The further we go towards one, the further we get from the other. The phenomenon of prostitution relates to the animal nature, and we shouldn't legitimize or condone it.

As a doctoral student all my efforts are directed towards the development of the higher nature in both myself and in others. Engaging in prostitution is an academic failure as much as it is a moral one.

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

Rubyw, yes the customers also contribute to the moral decay of society, irrespective of their level of education, social-status, etc. Indeed, the educated ought to identify ways to prevent moral decay, not exacerbate it.

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

It's praiseworthy to exercise one's anger against moral decay in society. Educated people in particular should demonstrate an ability to solve difficult problems; she couldn't even solve a simple one.

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

What's outrageous about it? Being a whore instead of moving in with her parents, claiming JSA, getting a normal job, etc. etc. is low.

If she repented and went on the news encouraging young girls to use their brains to solve problems, instead of using their bodies, I might be more respectful.

Belle de Jour is a Post doc !?!

Let's not give the girl too much credit. Saying things like "forced to" is nonsense.

The moral of the story, according to her: "Prostitution is better than JSA"

That's what it comes down to. In the BBC news article she was quoted as saying she "stands by it all with pride". What's there to be proud of? There are far less educated people, in far less prosperous countries, who don't sink so low as to sell their bodies for money.

Pathetic. She doesn't even want our sympathy, she basically condones prostitution and will be laughing all the way to the bank (again) with her next book about it.

A perfect example of how a person can be educated and yet lack a basic moral education.

Looking for a Lawyer

Hi Pepita, I know how you feel as I too had supervisors who gave me a hard time and made a lot of personal and hurtful comments. If I was to repeat them I'm sure a lot of people would be really shocked. Taking legal action has certainly crossed my mind -- at times it has even occupied my mind. However, I really agree with Joyce. Pursuing this is just going to create enemies and more ill-feeling, and that's no good way to bring closure to this. To forgive and forget is a much sweeter thing. You got your PhD in the end so put a line under it and move on with your life.

People in positions of authority often are egotistical bullies and it's just something we have to live with.

Manuscript cover letter ( funny)

Very funny, I've forwarded this to a bunch of people who also had a good laugh ;)

Going for PhD later in life

DurGrad - yes, you should. Why wouldn't you? We had a 60+ year old PhD student graduate from our department a couple of years ago.

Panic attack over teaching!

I'm no psychologist, but I've read that this relates to adrenaline being released in response to new and unfamiliar situations. With practice the situation becomes more familiar and you gradually feel more relaxed. Don't beat yourself up over it, just think positive: most people feel like this and those who don't almost certainly used to. I've found that preparation and rehearsing (even in your head) helps a lot. Being an interactive seminar you can't fully prepare for every possibility so it will be more stressful than a lecture. The fact that you really want to be good at teaching is a good sign that you eventually will be!

Worried about failing viva

Would appreciate any opinions good or bad, thanks!