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on the verge of getting a new supervisor

Hope things go well for you. Good for you for having the guts to change supervisor- where I am .. its a like a massive 'thing' to do that. I am glad that some uni's listen to students.

Tell me something helpful...

Spice Girls Are awsome.

Length of Methodology Chapter

Hiya, I am at that final stage of writing up... I was wondering how long methodology chapters should be. I know that the length varies.

My chapter is around 4000 words at the moment... but people have been saying that theirs is around 10,000-20,000 words. I am going a social sciences type PhD but based in Engineering. Its a mixed method approach.

My supervisors have said, whatever does the job is fine... but probably a big more guidance would do wonders! Many thanks in advance.

How to tell the university I can't accept the PhD offer right now.

WHen this happend to me, I emailed the university to say that I already had a place, this scared them as they realised that someone else wanted me and I think thats what made them come to a quicker decision.
Its a difficult situation to be in, good luck.

This silly PhD is getting me down!!!!!

thanks for all your replies. I get on well with my supervisors P.A. so i met up with ehr for a coffee at the weekend and she mentioned that someone had the nerve to email for a meeting when they knew how busy the supervisor was. Luckily this isnt me. Another academic is helping me out but is it weird to just want to touch base with your supervisor for no particular reason but to touch base and to say how agrh your finding things. Or is it wrong to want that?

This silly PhD is getting me down!!!!!

Agrh my draft is due September. But I don't know how much more i can take. I feel like packing it all in and just giving up. I'll regret it if I do. But its just so depressing and driving me crazy. I need to see my supervisor but she is super busy and her P.A. keeps 'protecting' her. Its not like I need to see her for anything specific, but more to touch base. Sounds wimpy i know.I don't know why I am writing this, but its just I don;t know, just feel low about it all :-(

What are your favourite academic sayings, proverbs or catch phrases?

My supervisors say:
'Sorry I am late'
'I have double booked this meeting.... so you are the one thats going to have to go'
'But I want you to enjoy this process'
'writing up is lots of fun'
'I've read a paragraph of this paper, why am I not first author'
'this paper is awful, why is my name on this paper'
'talk to my PA, she knows how to structure a thesis'

Postdoc jobs in america

I was wondering if anyone knew any websites to look for academic jobs in america? I don't know if we can post websites on here but even with things to search for in google, that would be enough. Its just that there is so much but I don't know which one to trust.
Thanks for your help in advance and I hope everyones writing and research is going well!

discipline and writing up.... tips needed! PLEASEEEE!

thank you all. I have found this website: http://www.myeggtimer.com/ i have been using it for the '10min thing' its worked a treat!
Good luck everyone!

discipline and writing up.... tips needed! PLEASEEEE!

I have my first draft due in september. I am still analysing my data (NVIVO is a nightmare) but have started writing bits. But i am finding it very hard to be disciplined. I have tried and read all the 'treat your phd like a full time job' etc etc. I just am finding it difficult to get on with it. I am thinking of getting rid of my television. I find it difficult to work in the lab cos people just talk to me and i talk back. Whats wrong with me - i was totally focused in my first year. Any tips would be appreciated. I need to get me into gear! Thnx

if i was married to my phd

If i was in a relationship with my phd, i would say we have gone past the 'cant keep our hands off each other phase', but have got the stage of 'if you fart once more i am dumping you'. I think its because I need to give the relationship a chance and give it some more time. But other prospects are looking more attractive like going out for coffee or facebook. I think i am confessing my undying love for something other than my phd and that is facebook. I am committing adultery. I don't think I can see my relationship with my PhD through as its just getting too challenging,but the time will come when I would have grown out of my PhD and it would be just another notch in the bedpost, but a bloody big one. I am hoping with the help of a relationship counsellor to move forward and start feeling more empathetic towards the phd and realise that we can having a loving fruitful relationship, rather than one which is full of thorns and lots of references. Until then anytips on how to rekindle my relationship with my phd would be much appreciated.

I have quit my phd

I went on holiday then I spoke to my first supervisor (head of school) and she told em not to worry about a thing. She talked me out of quiting etc... she basically said that teh otherone is supervisign me wrongly and something will be done once i get thru my first year review.I trust her. I will carry on. I feel like a wimp for not quitting .... but i know i have made the right decision as I am not givign this up for anyone.

I have quit my phd

Yep - I jst dont think i am cut out for this. To those of u who are worrying abotu nothing... grades mean nothing. I got the top first in my year, publications, 3 phd acceptances... it means nothing. Uve got to find a place and supervisor that u are happy with.

I have quit my phd

just about. I just cudnt take it anymore. They are trying to get me to stay. I am confused. But for now I dont want to stay and I have quit. I am actually looking for employment until i get a letter of confirmation from this other university.

I have quit my phd

I have quit my phd. Alot of u know that it probably wasnt for me... but my supervisor has driven me out and I am starting afresh with another university.