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Check your mail box Maria.


Yes, I did!!!


Maria_Z, I do not think you are a real PhD student. I think you are just a random person who is quite desperate. Nor do I think you are greek.

You could just be a man.


I do not have to justify myself to anyone but just so that you know I am a PhD student, a female and a greek! Challenge me...


And you assumption tat I am not PhD student implies so much: that according to YOU, a PhD student has reason, is intelligent, is mature, has compatible ideas.... ! And you expect PhD students like that in England that you can do a PhD in the age of 21!!!!! Have mercy people!


You didnt get it at all DanB. Lets suppose I am not intelligent, mature etc... why do you think that having all this bad characteristics makes me less likely to be a PhD student?


First of all, not being intelligent is not a 'bad' characteristic. Someone who isn't deemed as clever as someone else isn't any worse a person.

Secondly, I guess not being 'intelligent' does make you less likely to be a PhD student. Because postgraduate studies assume a certain level of intelligence, judged against previous study. Certainly, perseverance and a passion for the subject play a big role in a PhD, but surely a certain level of intelligence is required too.

Sorry Maria, but I don't really understand your post?


In England you can do a PhD in the age of 21! This means you have only a 3 year experience of studying in a University (luckily in the same area that you will do your PhD). As we all know, nowadays, it is not difficult at all to enter Uni and finish it. So why being a PhD student makes you any more intelligent than the rest of your 100 classmates who chose a different direction (and possibly more demanding?). And how mature can you be in the age of 21 anyway???


Yes, better than both the french and the ethiopians (however you spell it)!


MistaG MistaG.... First of all, I talked about PhD STUDENTS and not people who finaly got a PhD. Second it is not difficult at all to get a position (if I judge from my fellows in the Uni-first year PhDs, 21 year old, funded, without ANY prior research experience, maturity etc). Furthermore, being a PhD student does not necessarily mean that you are funded as well. I can onlyagree that during the 3 or 4 years doing a PhD you can aquire skills or learn to be self regualted etc... but this does not make you more intelligent than other people who have to aquire different skills in their jobs. But I understand everyone thinks that their job is more demanding than that of others. I just hoped that PhDs (if they are really MORE in intelligenece) would have figured tha out.


I understand DanB, making easy comments to avoid a good argument is the best technique.


Hey hey - it's Friday... what have I missed?


Maria, I'm loathe to get involved in this conversation, but I must admit that saying 'it is not difficult at all to get a PhD position' is a) very insulting to the people who, for various reasons are not accepted onto a PhD programme, and b) insulting to probably many people on this forum (including myself) who have had lots of interviews that had been turned down before they were accepted on to their PhD programme now.

Maria, not everyone on this forum is a current PhD student. In particular, we do have some people who come on to this forum to post because they have failed an interview. Please be considerate and do not undermine them.


I am happy we agreed that EVERYONE can do a PhD here.

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