Jojo's Writing Up Diary - The Race for the First Draft


good for you sjo4. i'm just half way. planning to put in two more hours work and get up early tomorrow. have a goodnight. clowning - you've got company. sounds like you're making progress.


yep, have a couple more hours left in me!!Thanks to my coffee and white chocolate addiction
Can safely say the end is in sight!!


am off to sleep now. back to work tomorrow.


Good night everyone. Been watching from the distance but not working tonight. Good working spirit. As Jojo said, one day we will all wake up and the job is done.


just a note to say i did hand in the paper - i was very low on sleep after working all day yestterday so i slept first. anyway, back to work tomorrow - to catch up with thesis.


am just so tired (mentally exhausted) when reading my chapters. i've come to a point where am so energetic when it comes to reading everything else, including stuff i don't usually read. but one look at my thesis, just makes me so mentally and physically exhausted. has anyone else experienced this? how have you dealt with it?

i've already worked for about three hours this morning, i'll probably do a final proof read for work i need to hand in and take some hours off.


5am -10am - am done for the day. off to baby-sit for a friend. its been five long and not so productive hours. hopefully my friends new baby can take my mind off things.



5am -10am - am done for the day. off to baby-sit for a friend. its been five long and not so productive hours. hopefully my friends new baby can take my mind off things.



i've had that- mental exhaustion when trying to read my own work. the thing is, it IS harder to read your own stuff than to read someone elses. because you have to try to read it without knowing all the other things you know/think but didn't write. you have to pretend to be dumb to read cleverly. hard!

-put it aside for a while. continue writing another chapter and get back to this one later. the exhaustion is probably due to some sort of overload.
-put it aside for ever. it's probably good enough for your first draft anyway!
-have someone else read it for you and incorporate their comments without questioning. if you're not sure - save this as a separate version. then put it aside and come back to it just before submitting, deciding on which version sounds better!


you're right shani. i think i'll put it aside for a week or two and carry on with other stuff. was great babysitting. sigh

back to work tomorrow.


yesterday's working hours: 4pm til 12 midnight. productive evening. will catch up tomorrow.


Interesting diary. Keep up the work.


thanks phd_girl. today i went to the office but i didn't manage to do much. worked for about an hour. came home and fell asleep.

i have really struggled over the last few days. i feel quite exhausted mentally and physically. i decided to take today off.

back to work tomorrow. hopefully with a better result tomorrow.


I have submitted!!! It feels weird. Sort of like relief but also the fear that if there is something wrong with it i cant change it!!


Congratulations !!

I'm still working through final corrections - Doh! no weekend off for me.

Submit by Tuesday though

Again - Congrats!