Jojo's Writing Up Diary - The Race for the First Draft


i went to see my supervisors today and the worst happened. they pushed me towards going for the MPhil saying that my research question was unclear. They said my work was no good and it would take two years to bring it to PhD standard. am just really fed up and i don't know what to do anymore. why did they wait for three years to tell me this? i don't want to quit but on the other, i don't see the point of working with supervisors who don't want to work with me.


oh no Jojo, that is awful. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling right now
i can totally relate, i too am feeling fed up

so basically your options are:

1. do a mphil
2. spend an additional 2 years to bring it up to their idea of phd level.
3. quit the whole thing and find other supervisors who will support your phd just the way it is


hang in there though jojo, you really have impressed me by all the hard work you've done, i think you're more than capable of finishing the phd.


YIKES how devastating Jojo-sorry to hear it.

But fight back from this, don't accept it as the only option. Grab the Creswell book I mention in the other thread, shape up a purpose statement and a research question using his guide, that will show you where to shape up your own research and go BACK to the supervisors with a suggestion of how to do the work. A concise statement of purpose and research question is hard to arrive at, but once you have it, its so helpful--and it will immediately shine a light on where you need to be headed. Try it!


It will give you such a focused and defined shape to the research and PhD that I would have to bet your supervisors would be very impressed. At least try--get the book, write the two statements, do a new work plan that is based on what these reveal, and see what they say! At least they have to applaud your initiative and critical thinking and analysis of your situation and your work and help you build from there!


yap - very devastating, i cried myself to sleep yesterday. but anyway, its not the end of life. today am reading through the book recommended by Olivia and trying to redefine my question. has this ever happened to anyone???

i never thought at any point that my PhD would take me more than four years. These psychos have scrued up my life!!!


i am also considering approaching some lecturers to see if they'd be willing to supervise me for the last few years if that will be the case.

is this a wise move or should i just stick with my current supervisors and all their threats?


i think you should consider all options. and sounds like you are doing something proactive and productive , following Olivias suggestion from that book. so that is great!!

if you believe you can do a phd, then go for it! prove them wrong!


I was not TOLD to redo my research question--but my initial area of inquiry changed as I learned more about the subject, about research methods, etc, so that over time, I re-fashioned the research question to a more particular sort of focus ( with the approval of my supervisor). It did not mean all the prior work was a waste, indeed, without it, I never would have got to where I am.

Without knowing the particulars on what your supervisors said on your question, just generally, I would guess you have the material and the research background to be able to refocus, perhaps tighten up the question, or broaden out the areas of research, include another theoretical dimension...? whatever? To me the research is just layer upon layer--sediment if you will! you just keep putting on layers, until you have the Grand Canyon, or another great piece of work constructed of a lot of small layers of stuff!


Not sure changing supervisors would be the best idea.the whole project will probably take longer if you start working with new people.Im interested to know where exactly your supervisors were during formulation of the PhD question-why didnt they have any input.I think you deserve better supervision than that. They get well paid to do their jobs and it sickens me that they just dont!


Time to really make them work for you now.I think you should arrange another meeting (maybe bring in a student mediator/ombudsman/neutral person), get detailed feedback of what they feel is lacking and get a clear plan of how they want you to proceed. Make it clear how dissapointed you are with receiving such drastic feedback at such a late stage in the project and ask why nothing was said at an earlier stage (make them ans this question!). Formulate a plan to move forward with a tightly scheduled timetable, asking them to be realistic about the amount of work they want done. After all a PhD is a training period, and you have already spent X amount of years there.Finally dont get too disheartened, these things do happen


thanks everyone. am working on this. am looking to meet the head of department to discuss the way forward and to see whether it is sensible to continue with these supervisors. am ok, not as devastated as i was, am still working on title change - olivia - i was also in agreement that titles and the point of focus does change - only that in my case it came with a threat. i will raise all the issues you've suggested. keep the suggestions coming.


i received an email from my supervisors yesterday, saying that they would still be willing to supervise my thesis as a PhD if a made a number of amendments to it. Some are great, going to the topic, others are minor, focusing on methodology. I'm in the process of doing this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, that all goes well. meanwhile i have decided to postpone my trip for a while to deal with this fiasco. am going to be sending them a revised draft in about week's time, proposing what changes i hope to make and how, and am hoping they accept these. am trying to stay positive fingers crossed!


Jojo, that is FANTASTIC news!! well done for you for sticking to it!

good luck, i have every confidence in you , you will get the changes done and be given the green light to go for the phd! so proud of you.

shame you have to postpone your trip, i guess sometimes we have to make sacrifices.. hope you get this all sorted out though! looks like you got a plan and are rearing to go


Hi jojo

Just to also say this really is great news. I wish you all the best and good luck with the changes.