Sneaks' accountability thread


Hope the writing and planning went well Sneaks. I haven't changed direction dramatically yet still appear to be berefit of literature and starting over on sections I thought I had well covered - oops.

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ok, yesterday was the WORST DAY EVER. I spent all of it trying to track down a book, which I still haven't got and did no writing at all. Today...

Before lunch
- do paragraph I was supposed to get sorted yesterday
- read through all the papers in my area (about 13) and decide where to speak about each.

After lunch
- start padding out the individual sections - do as much on this as possible before evening


Oh Sneaks, how frustrating. Your access to resources sounds almost as bad as mine (I once spent three weeks trying to get access to library books, eventually I just gave up and accepted I'll never have any!). Hope today goes better and you're able to make some progress.


That's so frustrating! I give myself a little star on my reward chart for every day I write. It's very easy for me to get stuck reading or checking details and examples. The stars make me spend a least a little time really writing everyday. Hope today goes better for you!


hi guys,

It's been a while since I was last accountable for my work... but saying that I've got tons done since my last post on this thread!!

So, today, given that I'm full of cold and feel like poop (sorry, no better word to describe it), I will maybe at some point start on my final thesis chapter (8-) ), but will more than likely spend the rest of the day tinkering with my thesis document to make it pretty (I have some images from my resarch I want to put in, which means I'll have to re-do page numbers, etc). If I'm not dead by the time I finish that (dramatic, I know), then I will start final chapter.

13 weeks till my viva!! 7 weeks till submission.... Ahhhhh!!

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Welcome back jinkim!

I have done that first paragraph. I'm really hungry and I want pancakes for lunch but my father in law is in my kitchen fitting the sink and I don't want to look like a pig :$ so waiting until he is gone and consequently getting distracted from work by hunger :-(


Perhaps a small snack? To pep you up enough to work until he's gone? Well done on the paragraph!

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he's gone -we have a sink! and a dishwasher plumbed in! I'm off for pancakes mmmmmm


Oh the jealousy. I went running at lunchtime so had to leave lunch until half three (grah). By which point I couldn't wait for pancakes and schnarfed a tuna salad because it was ready made. Tonight though, tonight I SHALL have my pancakes!

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Today, I have a man-flu victim staying off work, and have already spent most of the morning faffing about getting the right screwdrivers to fix the kitchen doors on :-s

If I am to write results and discussion up tomorrow and through the weekend I need the introduction to this paper done today! I did a little bit last night, so todays mission...

- smooth out intro section of introduction
- fill out sections on the key areas that have been looked at
- critique what has been done.


Best of luck with the victim and I'll be waiting to hear how you get on with your introduction! Sick victim myself today but trying to persevere with work anyway.

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hmm victim is now playing PS3 - so not so ill afterall. I did most of my intro yesterday (it was supposed to be finished by last weds!). I have one more section to do and then I need to get on with the results/findings. So

Before lunch I need to
- finish off final section
- read through and smooth out intro

After lunch
- write up 2 out of the 5 results sections - linking them to literature.

- write up last 3 results sections
- try and start discussion!

I'm not usually a weekend worker, so going to have to use some real will power to stay at my desk!


I'm not usually a weekend worker either. Trying my best this weekend and intend to keep it up. Husband being very supportive though I can hear a lot of thumb-twiddling. I don't think I will have a results chapter but I hope you get yours done today.

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its the results section of a paper. I think its going to be super- daunting though. Done two paragraphs one an area where i have literally had to scrape together references for, so quite pleased, and reckon I can get another paragraph out in the next hour. I then have to critique it all though, so reckon it might take longer than doing it before lunch. The critique bit is the bit my sup will be wanting to see!

I can hear thumb twiddling too, but on the PS3 controller - and lots of shooting etc. I think he's playing bioshock 2 :-(


Fair play for keeping at it, despite the daunting nature. My head is going to explode after trying to get LaTeX set up on my laptop for the last 5 hours. Might just abandon and do my typing up at my desk in uni as usual. One last try I think!