Sneaks' accountability thread


Ps. Mine is playing games on computer next to me now, fine if I can get typing. Otherwise not so good!

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ok, I'm off for the night. I didn't get on ot doing the results, but have finished what I am going to do for the intro. I don't think I have enough critical stuff in it, but I'm going to give it to sup first as she will probably cut half of it anyway.

Going to have to get up super early, I have 1 day to write up ALL the results and its a qualitative study AAARGH so going to be digging about for quotes. AND sup wants me to link it to literature in the results, not the discussion, so is going to be a very stressful day!

Might map out the plan of what I want to say while watching a bit of telly!


Sounds like a really tough day ahead of you tomorrow. If it's any consolation, I'll be up early working like mad too. Got really stressed after dinner about getting things done on time. Big long conversation with himself helped me gain a bit of perspective but did take a lot of my time so I'll probably have to work late tonight to get today's work finished. Hope we both have a good day of it tomorrow.

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had a very fitfull sleep last night - dreaming about how my life fitted into the themes i have to write up today - they did't (not surprising as I am not at all like the participant group) and I was super stressing trying to change things so my life fitted the themes - urgh!

So I have 5 themes to write up today, I think the best strategy is to do 1 or 2 really well, and then try and get onto the rest SO if I don't get them finished, it will look better, because they will be of good quality, rather than sending it all done, but looking awful.

So....onwards, will call down for tea to be brought up to me (this may take some time).

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1 down, 4 to go!


hope the tea was nice and you got them all (or most of) done. I'm back at my desk after 'family time' exhausted. Lots left to do for tomorrow.

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i got all 5 done, although probably quite badly. I've just pressed the dreaded 'send' button on my email to sup. Hoping the fact that the intro, method and results come to a stupidly long 11,000 (for a publication!?) and that will trick her into forgetting I haven't done the discussion - maybe :$

I'm off to get my house sorted this morning - there is rubbish everywhere and it needs sorting!

Will be back at my desk pm for a report I have to write for people who participated in my work, and then some consultancy work. THEN I will think about the discussion. :-(

Hope all is going well MK - what is 'family time'? - with kids? I'm pleased I only have to walk the dog at some point, althogh having a kid around to make the tea would be VERY useful :p


Right, have done all of my data analysis for this part of my research, made a conceptual framework and now just have to make my questionnaire. Will have it done by the end of today.


Sounds like a busy day for you! I've a (long) meeting and seminar so it'll be a broken day for me. Wish I had time to clean home, it really needs it ! Family time was with both sets of parents, siblings and one hyperactive nephew. It was lovely but probably could have done with the sleep instead this weekend. Maybe we could each get a robot to make us tea? They don't take quite as much energy as a child :-) Or at least they take it as electricity.

Hope the mountains of words were sufficient distraction for your sup. I find cakes work well for mine :-) Wish I could come up with mountains of words, I'm more likely to agonise for hours over a page of words.

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Hi all!

MK - I think I do prefer doing 1 page and agonising about it, which is why I'm a bit unhappy about what I sent in, but my sup wanted it all so.... Although I sent it and she emailed straight back with "do you mind if I use track changes" - hmph! although actually wouldn't mind if she changed it all, then I can put the better version in my thesis!

Wal - well done on the questionnaire, keep going, I'm not envying you all those cognitive interviews.

I spent yesterday trying to shift the migraine I've had since wednesday, but it won't go. I have decided that it will probably go when I have done the discussion, so today's things to do...

- write report for organsiation who let me use participants
- try and write discussion

I haven't written a discussion since my masters, and that one was pretty poor. I have no idea what to put in it apart from 'limitations' of which I can think of many, but no implications etc.


Hi all,
I'm on the 3rd day of proof reading my final version of my thesis. I'm still finding typos and i still have to put my references in from endnote.

I'm submitting Monday/Tuesday next week. Will all be over soon.

but at the moment I'm sick of looking at it!


Today I have set myself the challenge of finishing my final dicussion chapter before I'm allowed to leave my office and go home. I'm approximately 60% done with it, but still have about 3-4000 words to go...

Wish me luck!

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good luck jinkim! I spent all this morning cleaning because the house was really disgusting - like if you bought it, you would get industrial cleaners in and redecorate- kind of disgusting. Don't think its been cleaned for about 8 months! So now I have a back ache from the scrubbing and hoovering frenzynow doing non-phd work.

my sup decided I need to change the whole theory my phd is based on - so need to re-write all the writing i did last week - grrr. So need to that soon, also need to do some qualitative analysis AND I need to add some stuff for the report I wrote for the organsiation last week. But my parents are coming down tonight, so I will get nothing done. getting a bit stressed now!


I'm finally done. The chapter's rubbish but it's finished.

Home time :-)


well done people on all your achievements.

My house was in a pretty desperate state and had to spend yesterday frantically shopping, cleaning and cooking for the guests that were staying. Could have done with the work. Hope your rework goes well. Better realising now and being able to improve, which was only possible as a result of your recent work so congrats sneaks!