Unemployed postdoc


So, I actually got an interview for that job in Primark. It's only for 4hrs a week. My partner thinks I should forget about it and not go, because it's pointless and I'm undervaluing myself (his words, not mine). Hmm.


I think you should go! Not only will it give you interview practice but also experience interviewing for a non-academic position. They are very different styles of interview. Having the job even though its not many hours will boost your confidence and give you something to do and will bring in a little money. Its something to put on your CV that you hae retail experience etc. Being only 4 hours means that it will not interfere with furture interviews too. What have you got to loose!! Its only a stop gap but it could lead to other things!

I know i have a retail job now and its not ideal but having something to go out the housemakes me feel a lot better. I dont start till June but am really bored in the house. I washed the dishes for entertainment!!

Good Luck!! Let me know what u decide and how you got on!!



I wish I could offer some words of advice but I can't as I am in the same boat. I passed my Viva last month but have been applying for jobs since December. I have submitted at least 30 applications with only 2 interviews and no job offers. I have just received another rejection without even being shortlisted. I am applying across a broad range of posts teaching, research, cleaning, admin, economic development (which is my academic area) and Project management (which is my hands on experience).

I have impeccable references and am applying the length and breadth of the country as I realize in this climate you have to make sacrifices (even with 4 kids in tow).
We are slipping back into the debt we had managed to clear during my year as a project manager as I finished my degree and are losing about £200 a month. We will lose our house before the end of the year if I can't get work. I've left it off applications, listed it as a research position not a PhD and put it on as it is. My field (social policy) seems to have no funding for research at all at the moment.

How do I feel? Cheated, bitter, regretful, guilty, annoyed, depressed, tearful, angry...all of the above. I feel like I have let my family down. This was supposed to give us a secure future and it appears it has done the opposite. I am volunteering a school once a week and have just written a Mission Action Plan for a Church that is struggling and am helping out with a community group too. Everyone is very grateful for the the help but it's not helping me (don't even get a warm fuzzy feeling from it anymore).

We should march on Government!!!! I have done everything asked of me as a citizen and this is my reward!



I know it makes me angry when the government are pushing science on unsuspecting children when there is no jobs, no job security or clear career path and poor pay considering how well educated we are.:-s

In empathise Dazed!! I know i am quite lucky to have landed a retail job but i still wake up panicked in the morning about my job situation. My partner makes a good wage and with this job we can make ends meet,its just i am used to paying the rent and he pays for everything else. I need to learn not to take on all the burden and work as a team!!

Wishing you luck Dazed!!


I think that's what making it so hard Treefrog, I am usually the prime earner. I am the one that means we can have holidays, that the kids have swimming lessons and cars are kept on the road. Now when they ask for things I have to say not until Mummys got a job...I feel like the bad person as though I have given them these expectations and now all I give them is dissappointment. I can't even given the two youngest their £1 a week tuck shop money for school so have hidden their tuckshop wallets :-(

I read about graduates who comiiteed suicide when they couldnt get a job and I always though what an irrational act it was...now I can completely understand.....


Hello everyone,

Just sending a little something to lift your mood up. It's not a funny read because what the guy goes through is not funny at all. However, the way he says it (a la break up letter) is kinda quirky.


Sending luck to go with that link. I'll soon be in the same situation as you are, just a few months more and I need to get into job search.


I think the key is to try and remain positive , worry and stress does not solve anything but it is easier said then done. I have to admit that I have a stressor personality and i too am used to being the main bread winner. I think we put alot of pressure on ourselves, our careers have promised much but delivered little at the moment. This is only a run of bad luck our luck will turn.

Things will get better!

Have you went to a recruitment agency? You could register with a temping agency!!


Dazed, your last post made me very sad. Please remember first and foremost you're 'mummy' to children you love and children that love you - you'll always have someone who loves you and that's more than some. Being loved and wanted is the greatest thing and no job, no matter how good or well paid, will give you that warm feeling!

I totally feel your frustration. I've never been at risk of losing my house but, and I'm being serious, I had to semi-starve myself for three years to keep a roof over my head (only one night out and that was paid for) and even went without food for a few days at one point and worked myself into ill health. That's why I did the PhD for the studentship money.

It would be wrong of me to say things will get better for you soon but things would be much worse without a loving family.


Thats right Dazed you have a loving family and thats more than some people have but I can understand your stress.

Well, i have just found out i did not get the research post. Apparently someone with more relevant experience did. I have to say in the interview they did say they never had someone like me apply before usually just graduated people with one degree. This sent alarm bells off!! They said why are u leaving a career u have build up for nearly 10 years.This annoyed me as if there is no jobs in my area what am i suppose to do. I my answer was i that i was honest and said that because of the recession times are hard ie no funding and now would be a good time for a career change and face new challenges. Would you not miss science they said my answer i can learn to love new things. They must not have believed me and though i would leave after a couple of months which i not true as i valuse job security.

Hey Ho. Must not be my career path!! NEXT interview please. Which is tomorrow. At least i have my part time retail job.


Treefrog, I'm sorry to read that. These are truly terrible times...good luck for tomorrow.


Advice needed!!

After managing to bag myself a part time retail job, I have just been offered a full time call centre job. They wanted an answer immediately but i managed to make them wait till tomorrow. I have also managed to get an interview for a senior postdoc position next week after the PI said they were really impressed with my application.

Obviously I want the postdoc but thats not in the bag, I have said yes to the part time job but dont know what to do about the full time one. Its full time so the money is better but the hours are pants. I prefere working face to face with people rather than be on the phone, I know i would not like that job but its the money aspect thing. I am waiting till my partner to get home before I decide. Would I be stupid to turn down a full time job? But it looks like that could be a dead end job and full time may make it hard to go to interview for other things. The part time job has the potential to become full time and have training programmes in place for development and is more closely linked to medical sciences as its an opticians.

EEEEKKK!! What to do??? Have to ring the company tomorrow at 9 for my answer!


Hi Treefrog,
I think I would be more inclined to stick with the part-time job as this will allow you time to concentrate on applying for jobs and for interview preparation. Although the extra money would be tempting, it might not be worth it if the job is not really to your liking and especially if it distracts you from clinching the job you really want. Great news about the Senior post-doc position - really, really hope you get it! good luck with your interview and with your decision about the current jobs.


Whats what i was thinking! I really i get this post doc. Its a bit out of my field but the PI was impressed with my application and has been chatting to my old boss about me. However i have heard an old colleague of hers may apply!! Not confirmed though its a little out of my field but needs the microscope skills i have.

I did not like how the call centre job tried to make me decide straight away. I felt old at 29m for applying with 21 year olds. They rang me before offering me the job as to how i would cope with angry posh people. THeir words not mine! Is its cos i am northern in a southern town??? I found that question offensive! The money is attractive though but not great better than being unemployed. hmmmmmmmmmmm.


Go with the part time job and I can't believe the call centre said that! Shows you what it'd be like to work there! Good luck with the post doc - that'd be great! I'll keep my fingers crossed!!! (up)

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======= Date Modified 25 May 2011 19:52:02 =======

Quote From Doodles:

Go with the part time job and I can't believe the call centre said that! Shows you what it'd be like to work there! Good luck with the post doc - that'd be great! I'll keep my fingers crossed!!! (up)

Agreed, go with the part-time job and good luck with the post-doc. If there'd been no alternative to the call centre job, only then would I have said take it. If you've been watching the Walking Dead, the zombies are what happens after a few weeks working in a call centre.