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New party Ppe

======= Date Modified 06 Apr 2010 14:14:19 =======
Dear Students

Is there anybody who would be able to help me in my campaigning in Colchester.
From the comments posted so far I will be surprised to get any kind of positive
response. If the views so far from some of the replies I have received is anything
to go by then young people from your University have little interest in a better
country or world that is a shame. (In fact I am shocked) I have taught young people
to drive for over twenty years and they have always been the most open minded
and liberated group in society.

Garryck PPc Colchester

New party Ppe

Hi All

Just catchy slogans, well that's politics, you will hear lots of those in the next few weeks, I suspect that those of you who belong to a political party at present do not like my so called simplistic comments. (you feel threatened )

You are saying that I should set out a manifesto like the other parties, and if voted in implement them in statute during the course of the parliament (usually 5yrs). Well look at history it does not work, its centres around the one Person at the top, called the PM. He/She has absolute power, its the cabinet that the PM controls that runs the country and the MP's are whipped into line. The Public feels disenfranchised by this fake democracy. Some say the public don't now what is good for them so lets not let them have a say in the legislation about to be passed that affects them. Or if they vote as a majority on a subject I may not like there response because i have different views.. Well I say 2u THIS IS DEMOCRACY. What do you want instead? I have set out honestly what I will do, and if voted in I will do my level best to implement my promise to my electorate. I remember that I am their Servant and that i am there to implement their wishes, my opinion comes second.

Also I am one person and Independent and Know my limitations. I cannot change the world but people on mass can.

Yes now you are hearing some of my Passions

Take Care and your opinion is valuable as is all peoples;

Garryck PPe

New party Ppe

Hi all and thank you for your different comments. A special message for Sue, you obviously feel very strongly about politics, I spent many years not voting feeling disenfranchised from any decision making, I hope you are wrong about voting for the public because what is to be done. For Politicians to continue their own sweet way means a rather bleak future. Any way thank you for the length of your comment, you have passion, so does Eddie Izzard and I am a big fan of his.
How about Eddie for PM?
In 2005 I completed my Law course at Plymouth University so I understand manny legal aspects of government. On my web site in the section PPe polices it mentions about my polices on voting in more detail. Your passion with thousands of other even millions of people working together can work miracles. This was how the Berlin wall was torn down and the cold war ended.
At Easter religious people claim miracles are happening now.

Maybe the greatest miracle is within the Human Heart,
The heart chakra of the world is located in Pilis Hungary Dont loose Hope Garryck


Hi I am too on twitter peoplespartyessex and have a general thread on your forum about a new Political party in Colchester located on the web: www.peoplespartyessex.org.uk.


New party Ppe

Hi D of B. Would you like to meet up I would appreciate a serious thinker and appreciate your comments. I will be in Colchester High St sat afternoons after 2pm. My picture is on the web and hopefully I will have a purple Rosette on my jacket.


garryck www.peoplespartyessex.org.uk

New party Ppe

Hi at last I have the party online peoplespartyessex.org.uk
If you want to meet me in Colchester will be in High St on Sat after 2pm.

Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Colchester, Garryck Noble PPe
If you want to help or join party: [email protected]

New party Ppe

Thank you so much for your comments i am very open to all ideas and your points are valid. You are right the majority view is not always the best and such an approach on Tv could cheapen politics in this glam type manner. Turning politics into a kind of show biz would interest the general public, people do want to be entertained, the final manner of style of the public vote is flexible from my point of view. I am open to suggestions of how this can work better.

i just feel that I like many feel out of touch in politics, unless you are a party activist, but most people just want their own life. They are willing to spend a short period of time on issues and have there say. A referendum is too costly and time consuming, and people near schools and retired people can be bothered to vote, the rest don't feel its worth the effort.

I just feel excited about people having their say on important issues rather than just maybe voting once every 5yrs. Would it not be more interesting when you are next in a cue to not have to talk about the weather.

Take Care


New party Ppe

You are quite right even though I used spell check I do need a secretary. R u volunteering. I do have dyslexia as you can see. Garryck

New party Ppe

======= Date Modified 07 25 2010 14:25:20 =======
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======= Date Modified 02 50 2010 14:50:43 =======
======= Date Modified 18 33 2010 14:33:02 =======
Dear All, I am starting a new political party in Colchester and am looking for like minded people who will support me as future MP in may2010 in Colchester. I need practical help leaflets canvassing, ideas etc. I will be standing as an independent, party name www.peoplespartyessex.org.uk . I believe all major parties have good ideas but at present we only get the vote once every 5yrs. People can lobby their MP but we rely on them to vote on issues. We feel powerless to have a say on everyday issues that are import and to us. I propose that every month while parliament is sitting a vote is put to the public who can support or not by phone or text vote like we do in Xfactor (with more time obviously) If a particular issue such as tuition fees or the war in IRAQ then a high vote, this would indicate the public view. This would have a strong effect on to following vote in parliament by our MPs. I do not propose to change existing systems of government but this would force politicians to listen to the general public. We would also be enabled, empowered to show our support by our vote if we choose to do so (text votes could cost up to £1). The existing disenfranchised public would feel empowered, we could stop some of the mad frustrating decisions passed just because the existing government has a good majority. It is believed that by the election we could have a hung parliament, that means independent MP's such as myself, if I were voted in would be able to influence decisions especially if a coalition government was formed. If I fail in my bid to get voted in in Colchester, these issues of improved democracy could still be served by the publicity concerning these issues and that can only be good for us and our country. Remember these issues affect all people and a phone/text vote would enable young people too who at present are not yet voting age. This I believe that would bring the politicians more into our accountability and would bring more responsibility to us since we would have a greater say in our own future. Politics could eventually become a non dirty word and it would save us here in GB to only talk about the weather. I am endeavouring to get the [email protected] on facebook, my space and twitter as well, and you can personally contact me on this address. I am just one man and so I desperately need help. 
Much success in your studies,

GARRYCK NOBLE Bsc Law   web site: www.peoplespartyessex.org.uk