Overview of insomniac

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hilarious wobble stick

went wobbling again, did a bit better this week and it hurts again - but not as much.


elevensies - ANYONE?

i heard that adding milk to tea negates its anti-toxin properties (or something). i like lemon in my tea... is that allowed?

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

kids like to see their siblings suffer - i get it. but you had to be there... and it had to be your sibling.

Last on to post on this thread wins

let us hear your wise words, great prophet, so that future generations of beatles may be enlightened (or should that be confused...?)

The role of the public intellectual?

I wish I could speak '404'....(the language of, that is)

Can/Should non-PhD students give PhD students advice???

i'm with you on this one adem. i really appreciate a range of views which come the experiences of different people. to be honest, it the query is so specifically phd related in the first place, it would be unlikely to be answered by a 'non-phd student' anyway. people on here tend to contribute only when they've got something worthwhile to say. although i guess you could find a few exceptions....

Confessions: Things that you cannot believe you started doing...

f**k is a most flexible word:

f**k, the f**king f**ker's f**ked!!

elevensies - ANYONE?

there's no cake left tho


strange thing going on...

lol - or accosted by a hen/stag do!

strange thing going on...

shows what i know

ANGRY and i dont know what to do about it

fluffy - you sound almost apologetic... Don't, your advice is spot on.

i'm sorry for your loss, driven. i was far closer to my nan than anyone else and still miss her terribly. i was angry at myself for a very long time (still have moments) - but we won't go into that. just know that you have to work through different stages, and it's different for everyone.

i agree with fluffy on making your nan proud. every milestone i have reached or achievement, life event etc. i have privately marked by imagining that she's there with me.


strange thing going on...

our australian cousin will be fast asleep, juno

elevensies - ANYONE?

only three minutes to go juno - let's cut that cake and sup the coffee before we run out of time. Oops, two minutes - hurry!

Happy St George's Day!

more than welcome, coastie

Happy St George's Day!

as is your right, my friend. but i know what you mean - i guess i've just been trying to balance the argument (i've been uncharacteristically chirpy this week).
