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Thinking of leaving but what to do if I do? Help!

Thanks so much for your replies :) Theres been some really good advice which I have taken on board and todayy actually feel a bit more motivated about my situation. Even in the 9 months I've been doing the PhD for so far I've learnt a great deal about myself - strengths and weaknesses! - and this can never be a bad thing as you mentioned Maccle. Although I still feel uncreatin about a career in academia, given the lack of other options out there, there is a certain degree of security about staying on and at least seeing the funding out (and obviously hopefully get the PhD in as close to that time period as possible)! I hadnt thought of trying to gain experience in my PhD that could be useful for a clinical psych application so thanks for that offering. Now I think about it the PhD qualification could actually be a stepping stone in itself into that if I decided I did want to pursue that line of career.

I'm sorry that you're having such a tough time of it trying to find a job Delta. What was your PhD in? Fingers crossed it won't be long until somebody grabs you up!

Finally, the 9-5 thing is what my supervisor has always encouraged me to do. This would work if I procastinated less and really made every minute in those 8 hours count! Theres a woman in my office who has 2 children and has to work to very strict timescales, because of this she is actually very productive, incredibly more so than myself and one of the other guys in my office who have less committments outside of uni thus have less pressure in some sense. I find I work best to targets and although I try and set them for myself it's hard to take them seriously sometimes. Another thing I will need to learn to do! Separating work and personal life is something I have definitely struggled with so think I will try to do the whole 9-5 thing again for at least 2 weeks and see if that alleviates some stress.

Thanks once again for your input, it's been great! I think I'll plough on and hope that my new found motivation will last a while :)

Thinking of leaving but what to do if I do? Help!

Hi all!

I’ve just spent a while looking through some 'I want to quit' threads. They were really interesting, reassuring and useful but none of the ones I read exactly matched my situation so thought I'd join up to try and get some personalised advice!

My background is in Psych (BSc, MSc Health). I had 3 years out between undergrad and postgrad doing nothing related to Psych! I worked in a bar for 18 months, travelled for 5 months then worked in call centre for a year waiting to start my MSc. After finishing my MSc (2010) I worked as survey assistant for 6 months and part-time in call centre again. I was applying for permanent RA jobs but getting nowhere (other folk more experienced etc.) so when survey assistant ended (Mar 2011) I was left working in the call centre. The job search continued and I began applying for PhDs. I never gave much consideration as to what this would entail, largely applying due to being unsuccessful in job search and thinking hey I've been successful in uni so far, may as well do a PhD. With hindsight I should have investigated the PhD option in more depth!

In June 2011 I got 3 years funding so spent summer working full time in call centre. I began my PhD in Oct 2011 and early on (before Christmas) began thinking PhD wasn’t for me. As I’ve continued it’s becoming clearer, I have much less interest in getting a job in academia post-PhD now I actually have an understanding of what it involves i.e. constant search for external funding, temporary contracts, lack of value placed on family life etc. I feel like I’m wasting time, that PhD is a pointless path if I don’t want to pursue a career in academia. Lately I’ve been so stressed too, I do long hours but am unproductive. I have low motivation (worrying as I proposed my own topic I thought would hold my interest), poor concentration and am behind of schedule. I had a holiday which thought would offer new perspective after chill out but things are worse! I know this is common esp in 1st year but I’m worried the emotional cost of PhD is too high - I also have some problems sleeping and in general have been unhappy and moodier since I began.

My concern is making a decision I regret, that perhaps I’m making excuses for myself so I can talk myself out of it. I don't think that's it though as I've never shied away from hard work before! I see the pros to staying as: prestige of Dr status, personal achievement, avoid failure, won’t let DOS/uni down. These reasons don’t seem valid enough to continue! However, I feel limited as to what I would do even with my MSc as most folk go into research or clinical psych from there (which I don't have experience for). I can see myself ending up back at a call centre but then that mightn’t be so bad if I found one in which I could progress. What I hated about it before was the feeling of ‘I should be doing more with my qualifications’ but at least I could say I tried!
I would be grateful for any words of wisdom/advice or support. Thanks!